Waistcoats and Other New Years Mischief

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You loved nothing more than watching everyone drink into the night of news years eve, something about the turnover of the years leading to an interesting conversation between you and your classmates. 

This year was different however, this year, you had been invited, as a family with your mother and father, to the biggest "high class" event of the year. 

The New Years Masquerade Gathering. 

It sounded rather mysterious but really it was just a family's excuse to throw a party and wear masks that matched the suits/dresses they never got to wear. 

You had never attended one but you had heard rumours floating around your school about it. No one was allowed to announce that they had been invited or if they attended, it would spoil the fun of wearing the masks. 

So instead, the whispers never had a source, they just existed. 

You weren't like the people who threw the party, you didn't have an endless wardrobe of fancy dresses and masks, no, you went shopping.

All by yourself.

Which in this situation with the insecurities you had was the preferable way to go but that didn't mean that it was efficient, you hadn't a clue what to wear.

With some help from the shop assistants, you found yourself a dress and hunted down a mask which left you one thing to do once you arrived home.

Get ready.

Which was a rushed event considering you took your time doing your last minute shopping, still, as you stood in front of your mirror, you were impressed with how nicely you cleaned up.

Your mum drove the three of you to the party, your little brother at a sleepover due to the fact that he would only create trouble at such an event. 

When you arrived, not much action seemed to be taking place, the house was quiet, there weren't any shadows in the front windows and the man that took your names seemed to be half asleep on the job.

But as soon as you entered, your head began to spin, the music was soothing but loud and the consistent chatter of the 100-250 people in the room didn't aid that, you couldn't wrap your head around it, how did they manage to do that?

You weren't going to get an answer for a long while. You were far too distracted by other things.

You were barely six steps into the room and your eyes cast upon the one person you hadn't wanted to see and you cursed yourself because if he wasn't the first person you looked for when you walked into a room, you probably wouldn't have noticed. 

But you knew those eyes.

And you knew ring on his right hand. 

It was C/n. 

Your mother looked at you, her eyebrow quirked over her mask as you let out a low growl, your heart-stopping as you realised you hadn't just made the sound in your head. 

"Sorry." You apologised. "Couldn't help it, that food looks amazing." You excused, knowing that really, the reason you had let out that ghastly sound was due to the way that C/n had dressed. 

From the black shoes to the fitting pants to the white shirt to the perfectly sinched emerald green waistcoat, he was a sight for sore eyes. 

Something about wearing your mask gave you the confidence to do something you'd never have done otherwise. 

As you passed him, a glass of non-alcoholic champagne in your left hand, you let your right-hand wander, quickly pulling at the belt of his waistcoat, strangling his diaphragm midway through his sentence. 

He jerked, his back straightening as he lost his words, you snickered to yourself, continuing to walk as if you hadn't done anything. He peered over his shoulder, the woman standing next to him, another person you recognised, Y/E/N, allowing him to breathe again. 

You joined a group of people, busying yourself with their boring conversation, making sure you didn't allow yourself to look back at C/n. 

"You think that was funny huh?" A deep voice rasped in your ear a few hours later, the person leering behind you but not daring to touch you. You knew it was C/n, not just because of what he was referencing but due to the respect he had for women.

"I simply didn't think it should be allowed for someone to look so attractive." You spoke, not stumbling over your words as you thought you would. 

"Is that right?" His voice vibrated through your ears. "Do you find me attractive Y/n?" He husks. 
"" You hadn't even heard the countdown due to your current conversation. "3.2.1. Happy New Year." Everyone shouted.

You turned over your shoulder, pulling C/n's three quarter steampunk mask away from his mouth before placing a supple kiss on his lips before once again pulling his waistcoat belt and walking away, ignoring the growl he had emitted similar to yours. 

You were thankful your mask took away from the blush on your cheeks as you entered a conversation with your parents, acting as if nothing had happened, wishing them a happy new year. 

You felt eyes burning through you for the remainder of the night and you knew your first interaction with C/n come school the following week would be one hell of a way to kick of the new year.


Part 2???

Thank you so much for reading, sorry that my update has been completely random and that this New Years One is slightly.... 12 days overdue.

I hope your day/night is very mysterious.


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