You don't know me (P.t 2)

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Warning: Please be careful proceeding, sensitive subjects that are not romantic in real life, this is a story. Please reach out to someone if you feel this way.

Part 2: Love Always

You sit at a desk in group B's cabin, your hand scrawling along page after page as slowly you crossed the names from your list. You had more than one reason not to speak to C/N, to become his friend. In fact, you'd usually leap at the chance to talk to him ... but it would have stopped you with going through with your plan.

And maybe

Hurt him...

You slipped the four envelopes in your bag, keeping one to drop on the dunes of the beach. You cautiously proceeded to step two. The action took a matter of seconds but the decision would last forever. You walked calmly outside, ignoring the stinging running down your arms.

Just as the sound of the ocean hit you, some caught your shoulder. You tried to shrug them off, as you knew you didn't have much time left, but they didn't let you.

"Y/N." You recognised his raspy voice instantly, and it only made it hurt more.

"So you've learnt my name?" You're expression was cold as you turned him.

". I'm ..."

"C/N, I know..." He offered a hand, but you refused.

"Are you okay?" His E/C eyes looked between your ones, the ones screaming to leave ... screaming for help.

"Mmm." You hummed. "What do you want C/N?" you folded your arms.

"I want to get to know you." He chuckles at your stubbornness, his eyes still diving into yours.

"You've had plenty of time for that." Your voice shook as sound warped in your head.

"Yeah and I haven't because bloody hell I've been stupid. You've shown me that now, that I've wasted all these years in the centre of attention when I could have hung out with you on the outside. I saw you today, I saw you. You arrived as I climbed on that bus and I thought 'Who is that?' then you sat next to me..." At this point his words blur together. "And my heart stopped, I've never been such a mess, I can't get you out of my head, you're driving me crazy, you're always right there." He rambles.

"I'm sure ... that won't ... be ... a problem ... anymore." You slurred as you leaned your weight against him, his eyes widening with tears as he saw the fresh blood staining his white shirt.

He carefully lowered you to the ground. He rushed over to a teacher who was approaching the two of you in concern, C/N punched him square in the nose stealing his car keys. He raced back to you and carried you to the teachers car.

The gas pedal hit the floor as you took off. You made it a minute up the road before you choked sat him.
"C/N... C/N, please stop." You cried.

"No, I've got to get you to a hospital." He speaks frantically.

"No time..." You whispered as you watched the blood drip to the floor.

He hesitantly pulled the car over and crawled into the back seat with you, pulling you up so you head lay on his chest. His tears fell freely as he held you.

"I'm sorry about the bus ... I didn't want to treat you ... like that ... You're books in my bag ... thank you ... I want to know you to, so bad ... one day ... I fell for you so long ago ... one day ... You'll be okay." You struggle. "I'm sorry, my love," Your words were barely audible as the cold ran through your veins.

"Y/N..." C/N panicked shaking you as he realised you had passed. His chest shook as he cried. He noticed the envelop sticking out front under your coat. He closed eyes for a moment as he saw it was for him.


He carefully opened it knowing it was the last thing he had of her. He heard you reading it to him, wishing it were, wishing you weren't dead.

Dear C/N,

I didn't expect to be writing to you .. I never thought we'd speak. You flattered me with you nervous stutters, it was cute ... your cute.

This is the confidence I've never had before because meeting someone on a bus or over a book by chance means nothing to me ... but meeting you ... gave me the world. We just met but I feel like we connected and I'm sorry for that, I'm sorry I didn't stop that from happening.

But do me a favour

Kiss me

I'll feel it from the clouds

I promise

Loves always,


He read it once more before finally leaning over your body and placing a feather light kiss upon your lips. And where ever you were, be it the light or the dark, you felt the electricity you'd longed for. Yet for him it was only a ghost of the feeling.

And you heard one last thing he said to you.

"My lips will never touch another's again. I'll love you always."

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