For You, I'd Do Anything

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You sat around a table with a group of people, some friends of yours some you only knew vaguely from the hallways of your school. The room was dark and the light above you gave just enough light to make things tense between everyone at the table. Muffled music vibrated through the walls but none of you cared about what the Halloween party-goers were doing.

"Never would I ever take a bullet for someone in this room?" C/n gleamed around the room sipping at his drink casually as he waited for everyone to lie like they were some great hero.

The people across from you, sitting in the shadow were becoming blurry to you through your purple contacts as you expected everyone, just as C/n was to raise their hand but no one did apart from you, leaving the two of you a little shocked.

"There is no way you would take a bullet for anyone," C/n called you on your bullshit though he expected the room to be the opposite of what it was. You didn't lie, you always owned up to the things you would do in this game, and he knew that.

But he couldn't believe that you would actually take a bullet for anyone sitting around the table.
"I would too."

"I believe it." Your friend spoke up though she had a lisp through her vampire fangs that attempted to pop out of her mouth every time she talked. "If I was in danger I think she would..." You felt bad knowing she wasn't the person you were referring to and you didn't even know if you could bring yourself to do it for them.
"Exactly." You spoke pointedly to C/n.

"And I would for her." Your friend admitted.
"Bull," C/n called it again. "Any one of us could say that if we were role-playing or metaphorically we would hands down take a bullet but there is no way that we can ever know for certain what we would do literally." He explained.

"I do." You argued. "I would, I know I would." The certainty in your eyes caused C/n to narrow his, wondering what was going on in that head of yours. Of course, you had no intention of informing him.

You wanted to question him, see if he thought, even metaphorically if he would take a bullet for someone but you already knew how he thought of you and having that final confirmation was not something you were ready for.

With an awkward chuckle from one of the drunker players, the tension was cut, and the game continued.

As the night faded away more and more people were either passing out or heading home, including you and your friends who stumbled through the night together trying to make it home. C/n stood near you, sending you a look through his mask now and then to check if you were okay and every time you sent him a half-smile.

As you dropped a friend to her house, there were five of you left, now heading through the darker part of town to get to C/n's house where the rest of you were staying. As you crossed through the streets, two guys and a girl came out of know where disguised behind masks though from their voices and the skin of their hands they seemed about your age.

"Hand over your wallets now." They instructed.
C/n and Cn/f stood in front of you all, creating a barrier between you.

"We don't have anything man, we just got back from a party," C/n spoke calmly.

"Then how about the girls." The woman suggested. "We promise we'll take good care of them."
"No way." C/n and his friend said at the same time. The discussion became heated quickly as C/n refused to satisfy their wants.

"You're gonna get it now C/n." One of the guys growled revealing they did know your group and sensing his next move, you forced yourself in front of C/n, pulling his body into you as you hugged him tightly, a gasp escaping your lips as a cold blade slid into your back.

Realizing what they had done, the three ran, leaving you bleeding in C/n's arms, an ambulance on its way, your friends crying as they see the tip of the blade coming through your stomach. C/n held you, still in shock as to what you had just done.

"I told you... I would... take a bullet... for... someone... knives count... too... hey?" You wheeze before your world goes black.


Halloween is coming and it's the most wonderful time of the year!!! There will probably be another Halloween themed one soon...

My schedule for my stories at the moment is to update when I feel like it :). 

I hope your day/night is like moon jumping!


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