End of The World

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"I wasn't going to leave you, Y/n." He whispered as he grabbed your hand, ready to flee. "Not on my life."

If it wasn't for C/n, you never would have made it from the city alive. When the mutants first attacked across the country, he put together a group of trustworthy people at your office, you hadn't known about it until they picked you up.

Everyone died... well, most people. They were attacked and killed within the first ten minutes of the mutant's arrival. C/n got you out the night before, those words you he whispered playing on your mind ever since.

Things were different now. No one prepares you for the constant fight for survival that the end of the world brings with it. Even if you find a safe place, you have to find food, clean water, materials... and every time you stepped out of that safe place, there was always a chance of death.

The more scavenging that was done, the further you had to walk to get new materials. There wasn't too much competition as most people had died in the city.

"It's a nice day to be alive isn't it?" Y/M/F asked falling in line with your footsteps.

"I'm sure it's just as nice a day to be dead as well." You comment wiping the cheerful grin from his face.

"I think C/n's into Y/e/n." He states to you as if the most casual thing in the world. Your eyes flickered to the pair walking in front of you, already taking notice of how their hands were brushing against each other. "Calm down Y/n, green doesn't suit you." 
"Then don't make me jealous, you know I can only do so much to hide it." You cursed him. 
"I'm just telling you what I see. They've been particularly friendly lately." He shrugs. 

You see his mouth open to talk again but a belly laugh cuts you off. You know it, you love it. It's C/n's. You know without looking because it brings an instant smile to your lips. Only for it to turn sour when you see him shoving and messing around with Y/e/n.

"You're allowed to be upset Y/n," Y/M/F informed you. "Seeing someone you're interested in fall in love with someone else is a special kind of torture." 
"It might not even be that, it could just be good friendship. You need to stop working me up." You glared at him. 
"I'm just saying, I'm here for you." He mentions. 
"I hear you but if you say anything else to stir me up, that pretty face of yours is going to be in trouble."
"Naw, you think I have a pretty face." He taunted you, taking your mind, somewhat, off the conversation he had started.

And though you wanted to forget about it, you couldn't help but notice every small thing C/n did around her, your brain going to wild to try and figure out if the glimmer of hope you'd had since you'd met C/n was false the whole time. 

"Alright, we're splitting into pairs. One to the east end of the mall, one to the west... We meet up in the middle in an hour." C/n stops, instructing us. 

"Where do you want me?" You asked, ready to get stuck into your usual scavenging routine. That's right, you had it down to fine art and somehow made it fun at the same time. 

"I want you and Y/M/F to head west, Y/e/n and I will head east." This puts your plans out of whack immediately, after all, you were used to pairing up with C/n, even in larger groups, the two of you worked well together, and half of your system relied on him. 

"Okay." You smiled though it took you biting the inside of your cheek not to show your disappointment. 

You and Y/m/f headed to the west part of the mall, succeeding in finding new supplies, food and even makeshift weapons for newcomers or emergency situations. 

You were heading toward the middle of the mall, five minutes off an hour. Though it hadn't been your usual fun, you and Y/m/f were still goofing around, laughing a bit here and there. You almost forget about the world for a minute, from the monsters to C/n...

Then you were running for your life. 

That's how it had been since the end of life as you knew it. Moments of peace could change so quickly. Y/m/f took you by the hand dragging you out of the way of one of the creatures. The two of you running with every ounce of energy left to escape their grasp. They growled and chased behind you. 

"C/n. Y/e/n." You screamed trying to get their attention. You thought you had been screaming desperately but the distant sounds of laughter told you it hadn't been desperate enough. 

You rounded the corner, finding them approaching the middle at a casual stroll only to become aware of your frantic pace. You and Y/M/F ran straight passed them, having no time to stop.

"Holy-" C/n turned on his heels catching up to you in no time. 

Y/e/n, though she tried, didn't react fast enough, being knocked over by one of the creature's large limbs. 

"Y/e/n." C/n shouted, turning back for her. But you were closer and though you didn't like the thought of her and C/n, she was still good to you most of the time and as cheesy as it sounds, you wanted him to be happy. 

You got Y/e/n on her feet, pushing her toward the exit before turning to the creature that was now rearing on its legs to attack. Its right arm, like a scythe hook, came lashing down at you but you were pulled out of the way before it could cut through you.

You felt it cut into your back, tearing through your skin. You continued running, Y/m/f who had managed to save you pulling you along to make you push through the strikes of pain. 

It took another ten minutes of running but eventually, you lost the creatures, locking yourself in a small hut that had been made into a safe room of sorts. 

"Let's get that foot taped up," C/n spoke to y/e/n, who twisted her ankle from the fall. "Y/e/n, look at me, are you okay?" He questions as he uses only med supplies on her foot. He hadn't even looked at you. Not a look cast your way. 

"I'm okay. Are you?" She questions back. 

"I'm good. You good Y/m/f?" He asked. 
"All good." And then C/n turned his attention back to Y/e/n.

And it was the stupidest time in the world to be thinking this... but the world had ended so you didn't care how stupid it was...

You knew Y/m/f was right... C/n was into Y/e/n. 

She was now his right-hand woman... 

Even excluding romance, that hurt... you had been that for him since you worked at the office...

Blood poured from your back and the pain was beginning to numb with the rest of your body. Your vision was speckled with black dots. 

"I dropped my pocket knife outside, I'll be back." You said to Y/m/f. "Thanks for saving me back there."
"Yeah, no problem. Be careful." He replied. "You okay, Y/n?" He checked.
"Been better." You stepped outside... you only made it ten feet before you collapsed.


Omgoodness, thank you so much for over 30k, I say it every time but that's insane! I can't believe it. 

Thank you so much. 

Anyway, updates should be a little more consistent for a while now. 

I hope you enjoyed this and have a fab day/night.


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