Ghost of You

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"Why are we doing this again?" You questioned y/f/n as you stood before a large house that sent goosebumps riding down your arm. 

"Because we were invited to Lily's birthday and we're good friends." Y/f/n offers as an answer.
"It's never been more tempting to be a bad friend." You respond. 
"Oh, come on Y/n/n, it's not that bad." C/n chipped in, standing on the other side of you. 
"We're staying the weekend at a house where far too many people were murdered for my liking because she wants to mess around with a quiche board." You repeated the purpose of your being there to him to make your point. 
"Saying Ouija board isn't going to get you possessed Y/n/n." y/f/n reminded you. 

"Quiche board sounds better, like food. Food is good. Food has nothing to do with possession." You rambled as you approached the door, present in hand. 

"We'll be fine." Y/f/n assures you, taking the lead. 
"Hey, if you don't want to do this, I'll drive you home." C/n offers. 

"No." You sigh. "I want to, I'll be okay..." You said trying to convince yourself more than anything. 
"Yeah, you will be. I'm right here to protect you from all the evil ghosts anyway." He pretends to fight the air, relieving some tension in your chest as you laugh. 

You entered the house, greeting the birthday girl, who was excited to see that the three of you made it. 

"It's so good to see you Y/n, it feels like it's been forever." She enthuses. "Thank you so much, you really didn't have to." She insists as you hand her the present. The boys wander further into the house greeting the few other people that were staying for the weekend of spooky fun. 

"How are you and C/n getting along? I still think you'd be the cutest couple." Lily whispered.
"We're just friends. Like we always have been." You informed her, watching C/n from a distance, giving him a smile as he looks back at you.

"Come on, I know you like him. Why else would you be so close to him all the time." She teased you but it made you feel self-conscious. The truth was, you did like him in that way. He was great, kind, protective, smart, creative. You couldn't ask for anything better. 

But you were friends. That's it. You got on really well and spent a lot of time together.

And suddenly it felt terrifying that perhaps everyone was interpreting you hanging around him as you being madly in love with him. It wasn't puppy love or anything, you just thought he was cool. 

"Yeah, haha." You spoke, now got up in anxious thoughts as you caught up with the boys, they sat with the others chatting and though your first instinct was to sit with C/n, you instead approached Y/f/n, sitting to his side, leaning on his shoulder. 

You did this often, the three of you were close, y/f/n much like a best friend to you in a way that you could never be interested in dating him. He was great, just not your type. Someone will be lucky to have him one day. 

A while passed with general chatter until it was decided that the first lot of spooky activities were going to take place. They decided for the first night, they'd go easy, two groups, one would take turns doing the Candyman game and the other Bloody Mary.

"You coming Y/n?" C/n questions, being part of the Bloody Mary group. 
"Actually, I think I'm going to try my luck with Candyman." You fought your instincts, staying by Y/f/n. 

"Really? You hate that game." C/n's eyebrows furrowed. 

"I hate Bloody Mary as well." You shrug, doing your best to be convincing. 

"Okay, just shout if you need me." He accepts your choice, heading off with the group. 
"Don't worry, I'll keep her safe." Y/f/n taunted him. 

"You better." He shouts back, voice growing distant as they moved upstairs. 

"What are you playing at Y/n?" Y/f/n turned to you, knowing this was out of the normal for you. 

"Just feel like being close to you tonight..." You said with a casual tone. 
"Ahuh." He said with scepticism in his voice. "It's because I'm an angel, isn't it? And the ghosts are all scared of my divine nature?" He taunted. 

"Definitely." Sarcasm laced your tone. 

Though you despised every moment of playing The Candyman game, y/f/n did try to lighten the mood by cracking jokes and such. It just didn't make you feel as safe as C/n would. There was something about him, he could take the fear right out of your system. 

When dinner was served, you stayed next to y/f/n at the table, thankful that someone sat on your other side before C/n could, though he situated himself across from you, you remained engaged in conversation with the person on your left. 

Everyone started settling into sleep after dessert, excited for more activities the next day, the actual birthday of Lily. You and Y/f/n stayed up, as you couldn't sleep. 

"Hey, did you want me to stay up with you?" C/n asked on his way through to the room the three of you were sleeping in. 
"I'm all good. Got Y/f/n to keep me company." You smiled up at him, hugging close to Y/f/n. Again that was normal. Rejecting C/n's offer. Not so much. 

"Oh, okay..." His voice lowered, swallowing as he turned away. "You sure you're good?" He asks over his shoulder, double-checking. 
"Yeah, I'm sure we'll be in soon." 
"Yeah, just got to stop her mind from thinking there's a demon around every corner." Y/f/n fought for you, though he was unsure of your words as well.
"I mean... cool, I just, you know I can help." 
"Seriously, get some sleep." You encouraged him, staying silent until you knew he was out of earshot. 

"What's going on with you?" y/f/n inquired. "He's going to start thinking something's wrong." 
"I know, I know... I just... Lily got in my head about how close I stick to him... now the thought of being near him is making me feel self-conscious or judged or something..." You ramble, glad to get it off your chest. 

"Right... I get it, well I don't want you stressing but we're going to have to find a way around this before he assumes the worst..." 
"The worst?" 
"That you hate him all of a sudden." Y/f/n points out. "That's like his worst nightmare... or you being in love with me..." 
"Why would that be his worst nightmare..." Your thought was cut off by another "That's it y/f/n!" You whisper shouted. 

"I just have to make Lily believe I'm in love with you and she'll leave me alone about C/n and everything can go back to normal." 
"That is not at all how we should do this." 
"Come on, please." 
"Everything will go back to normal?" 
"Yeah. Promise." You pleaded with him. 

"Fine... but prepared for C/n to act strangely." 
"As if, he'll be fine." You scoffed. 

Your anxiety felt less prominent as you went to sleep that night. All your issues would be solved for the next few days. 

However, it was more interesting than you could have ever imagined and it had nothing to do with the ghosts.

Hi! I know this one doesn't have much going on but part 2 will be so good. I still like this one, it's fun and I haven't done one with this kind of theme for a while. 

Anyway, enjoy!

I hope your day/night is ghostastic!


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