Aware of The Rainy Days

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Your arms wrapped around your laptop as you walked by your friend. The three of you were planning a party which required, social interaction, which meant plenty of caffeine. None of you, although you were three peas in a pod, were willing to share your coffee or tea from home, instead settling for a cafe. 

One of which the thought of made you want to puke. It was suggested to your group by your friend's mother who thought it was the perfect way to remain caffeinated without interacting with hundreds of people who created noise and distraction. It was possibly the worst place for you. It had one person who could distract you easier than a crowd of clowns stumbling from a car. 

Your stomach was doing flips,  you did your best to settle yourself to ignore the fact that he worked there but just as you thought perhaps, you could stop the shaking in your hands, the world fought against you. 

He walked by. Face forward as he brings dishes back to the kitchen for cleaning. Your knees weakened, butterflies stirring in your stomach. You wished he would remain unaware of your presence.

It's not that you didn't want to talk to him, you liked everything about him... mostly, nobody is perfect. You just didn't think you could handle it that day. Not in front of your friends who teased you enough as it was. 

Y/BFF/N took care of the first order of coffee leaving you and y/f/n to chat about where you were up to regarding the party. Ten minutes passed and your coffees were brought to your table. 
"Morning Ladies." Your eyes shot up to his, knowing the cadence of his voice anywhere. 

"C/n, how are you?" Y/f/n questioned, taking a sip of her drink. 
"Good, good." Your eyebrows narrowed of slight, he hadn't convinced you. "Enjoy." Just like that he's gone, back into the comfort of the kitchen.


"He's so in love with you." Y/BFF/N scoffs as she writes in her book. 

"Get lost." You curse. 

"It's true. He does like you. Just like you-" You smack your hands over her mouth. 

"Shut up." You hissed not wishing for C/n to overhear that you harboured feelings for him. 

Time passed and your group of three turned into two as Y/BFF/N had to work. It left you and Y/F/N with some of the more intense party planning, which you couldn't complain about. The two of you had moved to a different table, sitting outside, in the breeze. 

Midway through your conversation, Y/F/N cut you off,  mouth dropping as she moves back into the cafe, calling out to someone who was headed in the opposite direction to her. They turned, greeting Y/F/N with a smile. 

You exhaled, knowing this could take a while. You got back to work but there wwasn't much you could do without the input of atleast one other party memeber. You were staring off into space, hoping it would pass the time. It didn't work.

Ten minutes went by and yet it felt more like twenty. 

Your thoughts landed on C/n. Had he known you were still there? Your last table looked as if you had finished and left. You thought it unlikely, knowing perhaps he hadn't thought of you since he served you the first time.

Your heart spiked in it's rhythm. Your eyes dragged over his figure as he moved passed. He sent a peace sign over his arm, acknowledging your presence. He was aware of you. Your exact location. Though you had moved. He had known and he made the effort. That sent sparks through your blood stream, constricting your chest. 

He disappeared around the corner, you turned your attention back to your friend who was still talking. You rolled your eyes, sighing, checking your watch to see half an hour had gone by at this point. 

"You want to get out of here?" His voice caused you to jump. You looked over your shoulder to find him leaning on the rail behind you, holding to coffees. 

"Yeah, please."  You smile, taking the coffee he offers to you. "Don't you have to work though?" 
"I get a fifty minute break everyday, you know?" He smirks. 
"Well, don't you have better things to do than hang out with me on your only break?" 
"Come to think of it..." He hesitates, shaking his head. "Not a thing." 
"What do you want to do?" 
"Let's go for a walk." He smiles, beginning on his way, you looked at your friend, who stared back at you, she sent you a wink before turning back to her conversation. You catch up to his side. 

"It's a nice day." He states, hand slipping into your own as he stares at the grey clouds. "Rainy days are my favourite." He nods, glancing at you. 

"I love the rainy days." You compliment his statement.

"You're a lot like a rainy day Y/n L/n." He squeezes your hand. "You're my favourite."


What do we think? Not the most exciting but it is fluffy. 

Part 2?

Thank you so much for reading. 

I hope you have a fantastic day/night


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