Side Character

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Warning: This ended up being more depressing than I thought. Please feel free to skip this one if you don't feel like reading plain sadness.


You had joined the group with BFF/n for an afternoon of bowling and a night of board games. The invitation caught you off guard, sure they were your friends but it still didn't sit right in your head.

Yet, both of you were ecstatic to join them, knowing from their photos that these nights were fun. You had a single week until not only did you get to catch up with BFF/n, you got to meet new people. 

Your nerves caused a shake in your hand as you approached the bowling alley. BFF/n took your hand knowing that your anxiety would cause you to overthink things. 

You put a smile on your face, finding that it became more genuine the closer you got. 

"Hi." A male's voice catches your attention, pulling your eyes to a face you'd only seen on YF/N's Instagram posts. 

"Your... Your YF/n's brother right?" You stutter. They certainly possessed similar features. 

"What gave it away?" He teases. 

"I'm BFF/n." Your friend introduced herself. 

"C/n." He smiles, waiting for you to do the same. You found yourself starstruck, only managing to shake yourself out of it after a beat of awkward silence.

"Sorry, she's a bit anxious," Bff/n explains, trying to help you out. 

"All good. I get it." He gives you a wink, sending butterflies flurrying around all over your body. 
"Y/n." You finally manage to introduce yourself, offering your hand. He takes it.

"Nice to meet you both."

The entire evening was full of laughter, everyone, stranger or not, getting to know each other. You and Bff/n continued going to these nights each week, becoming closer to them all. They slowly grew to be some of your favorite people in the world. 

Each of them held a special place in your heart. 

None of them could compete against C/n. 

He was perfect to you, even with his quirks and flaws. 

You were carrying a hardcore crush for him after a month or so. 

Unfortunately, the happiness didn't come without the living hell that is doubt. The more you tried to take in, the more of it crept in. If you were to ever go to someone, like your sister or mother about your concerns, they'd tell you it was just anxiety messing with your head. 

But you knew differently. 

BFF/n was their friend and you were simply the person who came with them. Like a meal deal where BFF/n acted as the main and you were the side of fries. 

BFF/n received friend requests on socials, and messaged them back and forth, separately and together. Now and then she'd drop information about C/n as if it were common knowledge. You barely got a Hi in response. 

They didn't care about how you were doing. 

They didn't care about you. That's what you had to come to terms with. 

It got to the point where you could guarantee if you sat with an empty seat next to you and so did BFF/n, C/n would choose to sit next to her. 

You were giving them your all, baking things for them, giving them presents. Yet, you still had to actively seek hugs and goodbye, for her it was automatic. 

You weren't jealous, that wasn't the issue. 

You were hurt. Before this, you hadn't thought there was much difference between the both of you. Now you knew.

They loved her. 

They put up with you. 

Eventually, you just stopped talking and it didn't make a difference. 

So, you sat in silence, with the ripping sensation in your chest, fighting back tears. 

You were the sad side character.


Wow, sorry for that lol. It's been a while since I've done a depressing sad one, it feels weird now haha.

My BEST friend requested a sad one, so... here it is BEST friend of mine. 

She insisted on the caps :P

I hope you like it... I won't say I hope you enjoyed it because it's not exactly a happy-go-lucky one lol. 

I hope you have a better day/night than you did in this imagine. 

I love you all,


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