Cruel (p.t. 2.5?)

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You count, pacing yourself as much as you could during the storm of thoughts that were whirling around your head. 


Once you got to ten, you know you were okay to leave, to run as fast as you could. 


You couldn't bring yourself to leave as you mouthed the number ten. With a deep breath, you found yourself sinking into the past. Back to the day, Bff/n had reminded you of this. Another time where you hadn't quite bitten your tongue before a thought left your lips. 


"'If they could make purge real for one year I'd have a ball."  It had slipped passed your tongue just as your teacher moved up the stairs, leaving him to stop in his tracks. 

Twice a year all of the college students were encouraged, along with the staff to dress up, once for Christmas and once for Halloween. Everyone loved dressing up. You almost found it odd but you were one of them so you couldn't question anything. 

You and Bff/n had dressed up as purge girls, glowing in fairy lights and laughing as you smeared fake blood over yourselves, feeling rather sticky... perhaps crispy was the word once it had dried.

Your teacher however decided to be the bane of your existence. Which he already was, the sarcasm wars between the both of you had started the day you walked into his classroom. That's a story for another time. 

He dressed as a priest. You never thought you'd find that hot but damn... 

His C/ec and C/hc suited the white collar. Your knees almost gave out under you. Unfortunately for him, not only was he the bane of your existence, the subject you were covering that day was your least favorite and you had been so concerned about your outfit that morning, including trying not to run into a pole in your mask, that you hadn't had a cup of coffee. 

"What was that miss Y/l/n?" He questioned, turning his head to face you. Eyes pinned you down, a sensation you were now used to.

This was at a point in time where you could find your words around him, the year proceeding this moment saw things going downhill and your sarcastic ways beginning to lack. That said a lot considering you were always sarcastic.

"I said, If they could make purge real for one year I'd have a ball." You said louder, so the entire class could hear. 
"What makes you say that Miss. Y/l/n?" The way he always used your last name infuriated you as if he was constantly reminding you that he was a teacher.

"The itch of this dress, this lesson, the serious lack of caffeine I've had today, and-" But you cut yourself short before you could say it.
"And what?" 
"Nothing." You bit. 
"Now, I know you guys are probably sick of this, I mean I'm a science teacher, specifically a biology teacher, and yet here we are about to talk about The Purge, but... I also know this lesson is really boring so... show of hands who would like to stop?" Everyone but you rose their hand. 

"Alright... well, assuming nobody wants to get into the politics of The Purge films... let me ask you a simple question... if the purge did take place... would you purge? Raise hands if yes."  Noone rose their hands. 
"Now I know you're all full of it." He laughs, sitting on the edge of his desk. "I mean you just said you'd have a ball Miss Y/l/n." 
"I wouldn't actually purge." 
"But let's talk hypothetically." He shrugs. "It's a lawless world for 24 hours, hands up, what do you do?" 
He went through the class as they rose their hands, laughing at people's responses that included stealing expensive art or science supplies, going streaking, hacking into the college system, and changing their grades. But it all came back to you eventually.

"So Miss y/l/n? The entire room of your classmates has given an answer and yet the person who claims 'they'd have a ball' if it were real for even one year... hasn't..." He shrugs, moving up the stairs and over to your desk. "And it is very important to me that you answer my question. For science. Nearly everything is legal." He adjusts the cuffs of his black shirt, bringing you attention back to his costume.

His hands press against the surface of your desk, leaning forward, his head tilted slightly as his C/ec burned you with his stare. "What... do... you... do?" He seems to loom closer every time. 

"He's gone insane." Someone whispered from the back of the class but all fell quiet as they waited for your response. Only you could match his energy.

"I would kill." You seethed through your teeth as you stood, towering over his leaning form. 

"Who would you kill and how?" His eyes flared, challenging you to continue. 
"You. I would kill you sir with tiny little paper cuts until you bled out." You slammed your hand against the top of your desk before smiling as the rest of the class cheered and you did as you felt right. You left the classroom. The class would end soon anyway. 


Thinking back to this moment, you felt a surge of confidence pumping through your veins. The next time you faced him, you almost felt bad for what you said. In combination with his face and general personality, you had lost your sense of sarcasm and your confidence. 

You missed that.

You missed being the one person in the class that could give him a spoonful of his own medicine instead of hiding in a ball under your desk. 

You liked the banter you and Mr. C/l/n had.

You decided right then and there, things had to change. 

His challenger would rise again.

The next day proved it.

Hey everybody, this one has been in the works for a really long time (A whole year), as in I've meant to write it and then haven't and now I have lol. 

This is not part three, this is part 2.5, I did this because I wanted to focus on a halloweeny aspect now that we're in October.

They're pretty cute in my opinion lol. Or you and him as I should say. 

Did you like it? Part 3?

I hope you have a hallowtastic day/night,


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