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A list of things were running around your head. You always had at least a dozen things to do walking into the building where you worked, your bosses, aka the boys as you called them, depended on you for a lot of things. This was due to the fact that you were one their best team members, as if you too were head of your team.

You worked especially close with C/n, the two of you had similar thought processes which meant you were able to imagine his creative vision before others could and help bring it to life.

Today, your job, at 6:34am was to get him the notes from the night prior when he had called you at... what you had recorded as 2.43am, to discuss an idea he had just dreamed about. The two of you had a notebook that you passed back and forth. You had it on you at all times to record his random springs of inspiration etc, and gave it to him when he needed to remember and develop them.

There was just one thing that had gone wrong with this exchange this morning.

"Aubrey?" You gasped, pulling her out of your teams office into the hallway. "Please tell me something went really wrong and you didn't get the book to C/n?" You swallow. 
"I'd be lying if I did." She answers, worry lacing her voice. 
"Alright, that's okay, um, well, now you have to get it back, like really quickly." Your foot began, a certain sick feeling in your stomach. Your boss, good friend and current 'crush' now held your confessions book.
"What's wrong? Was it not the right thing?" Aubrey asks and at that moment you are so glad you're friends with her.

"That was my confessions book." You sigh.

"Oh no..." She whispered, knowing exactly what would be in there, the two of you told each other most things. "I'm so sorry." 
"It's okay, it wasn't your fault, I forget to tell you... I can't face him... ." You swallow. "I'm going to go procrastinate somewhere." You breathe. "Please, get it back, for me." You pleaded with puppy eyes.

Truth was, you knew that a lot of pages were filled with him, confessing about your feelings, some pages could have referred to anyone but you know at least one page contained his name. It was just a way to get it off your chest. After all, you had never intended to tell him.

Aubrey did her best to retrieve it, requesting that you had remembered something important but C/n was guarding it with his life.

Oscar, the other half of 'your boys', didn't put much effort into finding out why Aubrey was chasing C/n through the rest of the building. Instead, letting out a laugh and going back to work.

C/n lost Aubrey at the elevator, thankful that the doors decided to close just before she could squeeze through. His hands were shaking as he held the book in his hand. He pressed the emergency stop button, sitting on the floor, he takes a breath.

You found yourself at home midway through the day, picking something up for Oscar, who encouraged you to bring it to the work dinner you had that night.

You distracted yourself by getting ready which, didn't take long, so you were left stewing until you had to leave.

You were thankful that when you arrived, the only available seat was on the opposite side of the rather long table, meaning you wouldn't have to face him just yet. You sat next to Aubrey and Oscar, falling into casual conversation.

As the night moved on, the usual game started, which you tended to call 'musical chairs' just because people were shifting around so much so they could converse with people they hadn't yet, constantly swapping seats. This lead to empty spots around you, C/n attempting to sit next to or closer to you, only for you to move further away again.

The group was in the thick of their night, getting rowdy from the drinks they had, had and the chaos of 'musical chairs' was beginning to settle. To a point where you felt safe, chatting to your co-worker, Maggie, before you.

You should have known that safety was out of the question, especially when dealing with C/n. Your entire body gave up on you as he leaned down to Maggie, whispering in her ear, pointing at Oscar who sent her a wave.

"To be continued." She nodded at you before moving up to Oscar, who you had sent a glare, considering you knew he was doing it as a favor. He shrugs in response, a guilty smile on his lips.

C/n now sits before you, a certain solemn look to his eyes, not a single word slipped his lips and his posture struck you as deflated.

That's when you felt the weight of something resting on your knee. Your hand moved under the table, fingers running over the cover of your confession book. He pushed it a little further forward, encouraging you to take it. So you did.

Once you had it, you took one more look at him, knowing that he had to have seen something. Your fight or flight kicked in and you were gone from the table in the blink of an eye.


His voice haunted you. You couldn't help but stop.

"It was only one page..."



Hi there! Um, so first off, thank you all so much for 10k reads! That is just... amazing, I don't know how to describe it. I certainly didn't think when I started these a few years back that I would reach 10k reads on them. 

Anyway! Part 2? I mean, I think I have to but ya know. Let me know. 

Again thank you all so much,

I hope your day/night is mind-blowing,


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