Best Wishes

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Y/A/N - Your Aunties Name


21 was a big deal for a lot of people. The year of true Adultness as you called it often. There weren't many things you couldn't do once you were 21. Your Aunty and mother saw it fit to throw you a party, though you tried to convince them that you didn't need that kind of celebration. 

They didn't have great 21st birthdays, you see. That's why they needed you to have one. 

It didn't affect you either way, so you went with it, letting them take care of everything just like they wanted to. 

You were given one task, buy yourself a special outfit, bought for you by your uncle who was dragged into the planning mess somewhere along the way.

The dress you settled on was gorgeous. It was casual but effective. 

You felt pretty. 

The night came around after many weeks of nightmares, anxiety,, and sickening realization. Such as the fact that your best friend who appeared midway through the planning wasn't going to allow C/n not to be invited. 

"Come on, is it really your birthday without him?" She questioned you previously. "Consider it my birthday gift to you." You had rolled your eyes. 

People were beginning to filter into the bar that had been hired out for you, your friends, and your family. The music complimented the warm fairy lights and vines lining the walls. The atmosphere was dreamlike. 

Y/Bff saw that you were practically shaking anticipating his arrival, deciding that since you were now of age you could have a drink, so she provided you with such. Something just strong enough to take away the constipated look on your face. 

With your mind somewhere else, you had finished it by the time he did walk through the door. You paced yourself as him as the friends of his you had invited came in, taking each of them in your arms before you finally stood before him. 

"Hey, glad you could make it." You brought him into a hug, giving him an extra squeeze. 
"Yeah, of course." He smiles as you let go. "Sorry I didn't have anything to wear that matched the theme." He referred to the theme that you chose. 

"Don't stress about it. Just glad you're here." You smile. 


He opens his mouth to speak. 

"Y/n, come here for a second." Your uncle called you over to the laptop that was in control of your playlist. 

"Yes?" You question, slightly annoyed you didn't get to talk to C/n properly. 

"How do I add a song?"He asks. 
"What song do you want to add?" You question further, knowing what his music taste was like. 
"Just the best song of all time." He enthuses. 

"It's already on there." You reassure. "Trust me, I know you guys too well." 
"Oh... okay." He chuckles at your response, allowing you to get back to the party. 

Everyone seemed satisfied in socializing in little groups dotted around the room, some of your more party-like friends were dancing away, swinging on each other's arms. Though C/n was surrounded by his friends, he seemed to be drifting off in the distance. 

"Where were we?" You decided to sit across from him, waiting intently for him to return to earth. His eyes met yours. 

"Happy Birthday." His voice was low, raspy. 

"Thank you." You gleamed. 

"Always." The corners of his mouth quirked.

"Now, I can't guarantee that I'm not going to be pulled away in 30 seconds' time but let's try for a proper conversation." You look around. "Y/A/N organized me a little well wishes book, so I want to see your name signed in that by the end of the night." 
"Hmm, I'll wait, otherwise my handwriting will take up the entire thing." 
"Oh, Bulldust." You called him out. You knew he wasn't a man of the written word, he much preferred hugs. 

"I'll just search for someone else's message that hasn't been signed and put my name on it." He smiled, taunting you. "You can be like 'Was that you' and I'll respond, 'definitely'." You laugh at his comment, cheeks hurting from your consistent smile. 

"Such a joker you are." You take a deep breath. 

"So, I got you a little-." 

"Y/n?" You were interrupted again, your best friend calling you over to the bar. 

"You invited him and now you're pulling me away, this better be good." You scowled, she tried to bite back her smile but failed. 
"I just wanted to say you two are really cute." She giggles. "I ship it." You send her a glare. "Two drinks please." 
"Yes, mam." She hurries to make you happy, acting like a headless chicken. 

"Hey kid, oh, why do you have to be 21, I remember when you were just a little thing-." This is how the rest of the evening went for you. Every time you tried to move back to C/n, just to give him a drink, you were pulled aside again.

You ended up drinking his, it took that long. 

And as if you could fast forward every time you blinked, the night was over. You were helping to clean up, unsure how you were going to get Bff/n home when she was as drunk as she was. 

You sighed taking the well-wishes book from its little table. In your hands, you felt something stopping the notebook from closing. 

You flick it open. 

Happy Birthday, Y/n, 

I hope you enjoyed your night. I certainly did, though, I wish I could have spoken to you more. Afterall... Why else would I be here?  

I hope you like the little something that I got you, that I'm about to use as a bookmark so you can see that I didn't just sign someone else's message. 

Best wishes for the future,

C/n xo

You picked up the necklace that was laid between the pages. It was everything you could have ever wanted. 

You may not have spoken to him much, but knowing he was there made your night. 


Hi! Are you guys kidding me?! We're nearly at 20k reads! That's absolutely bonkers!

I'll try to do something special, life has been a bit all over the place recently. 

Part 2? 

Or do we leave it here?

I hope you have a dazzling day/night,


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