Cruel (p.t.3)

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You walked into the room with a newfound confidence, your friend at your side. You may be a little hyper due to the two coffees you consumed that morning. Today was going to be a normal Science class no matter what. 

"Good morning students." Mr. C/l/n greeted you all. "I'm assuming from your faces that you've all had one hell of a weekend. Especially you." His eyes stopped on you. "You're looking way too awake." His eyebrows furrowed, a sigh released through his nose, lips pursed. 

"That's why I've made this session easy revision. Please go ahead and follow the instructions on the board." He takes a seat at his desk, eyes narrowing at the notebook he'd failed to notice previously.

You kept your head down, doing your work. The class passed as normal, the bell rang and you went to walk from the room. An arm caught you before you can. 

"I need to discuss your homework with you Miss. Y/l/n." He presents as normal but you catch the strange worry in his expression. 

"Of course sir." You stay behind without qualms. Your best friend gives you a suggestive look before stepping out the door. You know she'll be waiting on the other side. 

As a twenty-something-year-old, you know you shouldn't have been as nervous as you were to be alone with him. But to be fair to you, he made your heart race. Outside of this classroom, you were a woman and he was a man. You couldn't help how you felt. 

"Everything ok Sir?" You still had to keep things professional, otherwise you were showing weakness. That's how your mind worked at least. 
"I need to talk to you." He turns away from you. 
"You said that already." You give a confident smirk. "Was my homework ok?" You pretend as if you thought that's what he wanted to talk about. 

"Yes, it was perfect. Your work is always perfect." His tone is harsh. "But that's not it. Did you read what I wrote in your book?" 
"No sir, not yet. I have a lot on my plate with the biology degree, lab assistant cert, and my part-time job." 

"I understand that but I think it's rather important that you do. As I said before..." 
"Mr. C/l/n, I promise I will read it as soon as I have time." You take it from his desk. "I have to get going though, I have other classes to attend." 

"You don't understand Y/n!" He snapped. Your first name caught your attention. You turned again to face him. "I tried... I tried to do this..." His voice softened, he didn't know how to go about this, for a part-time English teacher, his language was failing him.

"Mr. C/l/n..." 
"You've been driving me crazy." He whispers. "So crazy..." His eyes have an edge of wildness to them as he gazes at you.  When you fail to push word from your mouth he leaves. Gone from the classroom as you had so many times. 

Turns out you were totally not as dramatic as each other. 

His words kept spinning around your head, causing your head to ache after you finished your next class. You checked his classroom again but he was missing. 

The rest of the week he was sick. A substitute teacher who didn't allow drinks in class was your living hell for the week. 

Friday afternoon, you decided to go out with a couple of friends. They decided going to a club was a good idea, so dressed in a shimmering silver dress and your favorite boots, you joined them.

Your friends dressed you to attract a person's eye, they were attention seekers and you had learned not to argue, so your dress was shorter than you were used to and your lips a bright shade of red. 

"Come on Y/n/n, come back to the dance floor." Your best friend begged you. 
"Hang on, I need another drink." You excuse yourself, a touch overwhelmed by the hustle and bustle. Sitting at the bar with a sigh, the bartender gets you a drink before you can say anything. 

"Sorry, I've been keeping track of your drinks tonight, and uh, well this one is on the house." He offers you a charming smile. 
"Thank you." You match his expression, taking in his appearance. 

You had a couple more drinks, getting a little more flirtatious with the bartender every round that went by until you sat at the bar and before a drink could be placed down...

"She'll have water." A deep voice interrupted the flow. 

You looked at the man hunched over the bar next to you, a tortured look in his C/ec eyes. 

"C/n." You were barely intoxicated, having kept your drinks fairly weak. Something had told you from the start of the evening that an occurrence like this may happen.

"Hello Y/n/n." He nicknamed you, you force yourself not to show a reaction. 
"You're looking... rough." You tell the truth, glancing over his disheveled hair, dark eye circles, and white shirt that was unbuttoned to his stomach. 

"Thanks. The exact ego boost I needed." He chuckled. "I haven't been great actually." 
"I gathered. The sub has been horrible." It was nice to sit in a normal place and talk to him casually. 
"They always are." He laughed more. "I didn't expect to run into anyone here." He exhales. 
"I did. Just didn't know it was going to be you." You smile at him. 

"Y/n. Come on, we're going to the next place." Bff/n dragged you by the arm. "Oh hi, Mr. C/l/n, feel better soon." Bff/n was drunk. 

"Ok. I'm coming." You agreed before turning to C/n. Alcohol was exactly what you needed to respond to him. In the state he was in, he was taken aback when you step into his personal space. Your body touches his, your lips brush against this ear. 

"You're driving me a little crazy too sir." You whisper. "But that might just be those buttons being undone." You taunt him. 

Then you walk away. 

So, I decided why not have a part four for this one... I don't even know if people want it. Let me know. 
Love you all! You're amazing. 

I hope your day/night is as joyful as being on Facetime with your bestie. (Shout out millsymills99 )

See you in the next part!


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