Target Practise

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I'm back! So some new things! I have officially set a schedule for weekly updates of my stories, all four of them, that's right two new stories coming out on my account! They are fanfiction (I was going to do one fanfic, one of my own story but I'm going to work on mine for the Wattys) I will be uploading Lucifer on Monday, Crush Imagines on Wednesday, one fanfic on Friday and the second on Sunday. EVERY WEEK! sweet! I hope you enjoy and can't wait to continue to bring out new stories!


Tears ran their course down your pale cheeks blending in with the rain that kissed your face. You sat on a bench in the courtyard of your school, drenched as the clouds cried with you. You couldn't have kept track of time if you'd tried but it had felt like hours.

She was so... irresistible even you could admit that. Her lush hair and sparkling eyes were all that she needed to make someone fall for her, but she had everything else as well. She was smart, funny, gorgeous and caring. And out of everyone that she could have chosen, out of all the guys and girls she had at her feet, she chose C/N.

You felt a presence behind you, but you ignored it not caring who was watching you in such a state of misery, not until they sat across from you. You turned your head up to them, not bothering to move away as it was a stranger.

"Hit us both next time, ay cupid?"

"It was an accident..." His voice was husky as if he had been sick, his hair bright red and the pupil of his eyes the shape of a heart, unlike normal humans. You knew then this wasn't just some weirdo... they knew you for one reason or another.

"What?" You choked.

"I didn't mean to shoot you only." His words made your head spin wildly.

"Shoot me?" You questioned him again. He reached over and placed his hands over your eyes for a brief second before pulling away, you opened them and instantly noticed the metal arrow through your chest.

Scarlett liquid that didn't look like blood oozed from it as you continued to cry. You used your finger to trace the cold sharp tip, the shape of a heart with the carving of C/N on it.

"Cupid?" You look the man in the eyes again smiling weakly.

"You guys were made for each other." His words caused the arrow to twist in your chest. " I-I missed ... I'm sorry you have to feel this way."

"Did you... did you have to shoot him again? And why with her? Why not me?" You sobbed.

"The pairing arrows have to hit the two people within a minute of each other and you can't shoot a person for the same pairing twice... There will never be another arrow for that couple again... those are the rules sadly. But everyone deserves love so it's also a rule that if a person has a second soulmate and they meet by chance I am required to match them." He finishes reaching for your hand and giving it a reassuring squeeze.

"Do... Do I have a second soulmate?" You whisper softly.

"No, no you don't." Cupid sighs.

"So, it's just... going to be like this forever?" Cupid gives a simple nod before standing and walking away.

"Wait." You called but he didn't answer, soon disappearing into the rain.

"Y/n! Y/n! What are you doing!? I've been texting you all afternoon. What are you doing out here?" C/N rushes over to you, sitting on the table in front of you. "What's wrong? Why are you crying?" He wipes the hair from your face and tips your head up to face him.

"I love you..." You tremble.

There is silence for a moment.

"I know..." He whispers. Your face contorts again as you cry. "I... I'm gonna go." C/N stood up forgetting about why he was there, leaving swiftly and you found yourself exactly where you had started.

Tears running their course down your pale cheeks blending in with the never-ending rain, sitting on a bench in the courtyard of your school, drenched as the clouds cry with you. Heart shattered and questioning Cupid's ways.

Is there any way to break a Cupids rules?

Hope you enjoyed and I'll see you all on Friday for brand new Fanfic!!!

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