Just Give Me The Signal (p.t.2)

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There were a couple of gasps, mostly from the parents on both sides of the room as C/n's voice interrupted the ceremony. Everyone's eyes landed on him, a wave of silence enveloping the entire church as his words sunk in. 

"I object." It took mere seconds for your best friend of ten years to step forward next to you, in support of his statement. There was a trust between the three of you. If he said it, there was a reason. No one in your friendship group stood alone. 

"I object." The other four bridesmaids came next. 

"What the hell is going on?" Your husband yelled, at the room but directed it right at your face, "Is this some kind of sick joke? All of you sit down right now. You're ruining our day." His voice raised. 
"Don't." You opened your mouth, air barely adding volume to your voice. 
"What was that?" His eyes narrowed on you. 
"Don't." You snapped. "Talk to them like that." 
"So you're a part of this little stunt? I should have known." He shook his head, you'd like to have said you'd never seen him look at you with this much disgust in his eyes, but it happened on an often enough occasion that you were used to it.

"I've had enough of this." 
"So, have I. I want all of them out." He practically demanded but everyone stood still. "Out. Now." He shouted. 
"You're making a fool of yourself." You deadpanned. "Showing everyone here exactly why I object." You stated without mercy. The Celebrant was watching with wide eyes as if this was his first wedding gone wrong... or perhaps just the worst one yet.

"You what?" He snarled. 
"I object. I never should have said yes in the first place." You take off your engagement ring, slipping it into the pocket of your wedding dress. You then proceeded to take the wedding rings and pocket them as well.

"Ladies and gentlemen, we are still partying this evening, join us, don't, I don't care but I'm celebrating being single again and I'd love to see your faces." You dared to announce to the whole room, including his entire family. After that display from your now ex, they couldn't really argue. 

C/n was the first to step forward and offer his arm to you, helping you down the alter steps in your giant yellow poof. He gave your ex a cheeky wink before walking you back down the aisle, in his preferred direction. Right out the door. 

You and your bridal party, including C/n and a couple of other friends took the limousine to the reception venue where the music was already pumping and other guests were trickling in already. Most were from your family but you could see a couple from his. 

"This is exactly how I wanted to spend my wedding day." You shouted over the music as you jumped around with your friends. 
"I will second that," C/n responded. He had lost his suit jacket and waistcoat along the way and was now dancing in a white button-down that was living up to its name. 
"Hey, look the cakes coming out." You shouted, bursting through to your massive five-tier cake that had completely your ex's idea. It wasn't fake either, the whole thing was 100% edible. C/n and your friends joined you, some others gathered around as you took the cake knife in hand. 

"Actually, I don't think I need this." You hand the knife off to your bestie before taking a handful of the cake and smooshing it into C/n's face. In a series of raspberries and laughter, he managed to clear his airways and retaliate. 

Before you knew it, most of your face was covered, matching half the people in the room and that was only the first tier, the rest of it was perfectly fine for eating. Which later, when the reality of it all kicks in, you definitely want to have it around. 

The night ended a couple of hours after that, you'd managed to get most of the cake off in the bathroom and sometime in the middle of dancing you'd grown tired of the poof and got C/n to find a pair of scissors to cut the majority off. 

It was so ugly you couldn't have cared less about its massacred appearance now, it almost suits it better. 

C/n offered you a ride home, which you couldn't refuse as you were craving to be near the man who saved you from a lifetime of misery. 
"So, you really did have a signal you were waiting for huh?"
"I'm always waiting for signals. All the time." He informed. "But yes, today I did have a specific one I was hoping for." 
"Hoping for? You were hoping I'd change my mind?" 
"I've been hoping you'd change your mind since the moment you went to dinner with him." It was something about the day that had C/n being so honest with you, it had all felt so surreal and it hadn't quite worn off yet. 

"That's a long time." You whispered.
"Yeah." He answered as you arrived in front of his apartment. "Do you mind staying over? I think-." 
"I don't mind at all." You cut him off, getting out of the car. The both of you were silent until you stepped into the elevator. 
"Why what?" He queried.
"Why are you always waiting for signals?" You ask.
"Because I never want to miss the signal that tells me that you might feel the same way about me." 
"You mean that I'm dreadfully in love with you and that I've been dying for you to show any sign that you reciprocate that because my relationship was a ploy to try and move on from you that just got super carried away to the point where I just thought why not settle?" You ramble as the elevator stops and you start streaming toward his door. "Oh and that he'd been an asshole the whole time?"
"Yeah... something like that." He stays frozen as he processes your words. The doors of the elevator shut and you watch as it goes back down to the ground floor and up again. Before it arrives you stand back at its entrance waiting for it to open. 

"You love me?" He questions as the doors open. 
"This is your signal." You respond, with a hopeful smile. 
C/n doesn't hesitate to take you in his arms, holding you close, closer than he'd ever been able to before. His head snuggled into the crook of your neck, just as yours did in his. You stayed like that for what felt like a peaceful forever. 

And then when pulled away and your eyes met him again, he saw everything he needed to in your eyes...

and his lips finally met yours.

Pretty cutesy one, not going to lie. I think this is one of my favs of the whole book. 

Anyway, see you in the next part!

I hope your day/night is just as cute as this part...


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⏰ Last updated: Feb 07 ⏰

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