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You were rather fond of the carnival that raged through the center of town twice a year, something about the atmosphere allowed you to forget that you didn't like big crowds or loud music. Coloured lights were flashing everywhere and people were gathering around flame dancers and circus performers, all wearing an outfit sparkler than the next. 

You were walking along the main road, your best friends arm hooked around your own, trying to keep the two of you together in crowd. Although you didn't much like interacting with the activities or dancing in front of people, witnessing it all made you smile. The two of you took a seat at a table, scooping at the drinks you had just purchased around the corner. 

Your best friend was rambling about some guy, cheeks glowing red, meanwhile you paid close attention to the fact that you hadn't received the right flavor, that you had requested. You drank it anyway, though it didn't satisfy what you wanted from a drink. 

"Hey Y/n, check him out." Your friend stopped midway through her story, nodding her head toward a guy moving through the crowd. You turned your head, following your friends gaze until you spotted him. 

He was tall, taller than you, though that wasn't hard to be, he wore all black, his jeans form fitting but not tight and his shirt a button up that clung to him in just the right ways. You cursed the way your chest stilled for a moment before you shook it off. 

"You know the rules." You raised your eyebrows at your friend. "If they're that cute from behind there's not way their face matches." You shook your head. 
"It's not all about looks you know." Your friend folded her arms. 
"Initial attraction is important and you know it." 

With a roll of your eyes, you watched the boy round the corner, not quite catching a look at his face. 

A while later, the two of you started walking again, aimlessly, just enjoying the sensation of moving with a crowd of people, of course, whilst staying away from as many people as possible. That's when you felt a elbow in your ribs. 
"Y/n!" Your friend whisper shouted. "It's the guy. Look at his face." She said, her eyes wide. You whipped around from reflex, your eyes copying hers as you take in the face of the stranger you saw previously. 

He was cute. That was not allowed.

And though he was a stranger, you could feel your heart thumping in your chest. 

"You should ask him for his number." Your friend teases. 

"No." You say too abruptly. 

"Come on, what's the harm?" 
"You just know a guy like that has a girlfriend." You fold your arms. 
"Come on, let's follow him." 
"What, no." You shook your head but your friend was already dragging you along, following the guy until you were about to be standing behind him in line for  slushy. 

"He likes slushies, isn't that a good thing?" You pinch your friends arm to stop her from talking to loudly, your cheeks were burning, when you had the chance without being caught, you were going to throttle her. 

He ordered two red slushies and you felt your heart drop, knowing that he was likely buying it for his girlfriend. Your head bowed as you went to move forward but instead of moving, he turned around to face you. 

"Sorry." You squeak as you bump into him, your friend grimacing from the second hand embarrassment.

"That's okay." He rasped, his voice threatening to melt your knee caps. "This is for you." He extends his hand, offering the large red slushy. 

"M-me?" You stuttered. 

"Yeah, I um... I work at the other place, I just... I had a bit of a hiccup with your order..." 
"Oh." You whispered as he explained. 
"You're cute." He blurted quietly, he startles realizing what he said as your cheeks went a shade darker. "I... I'm sorry..." 


The two of you began laughing, breaking the tension that had formed in the silence. You took the slushy from him, taking a small sip. 
"I got a little nervous when I saw you... that's how you got the wrong drink." He gulps. "Then I hoped of course, that you'd come back..." 
"Sorry." You whispered. "Thank you." You referred to the drink. 
"My pleasure." He smiles. "Hey, um, I've got ten minutes to spare... do you want to maybe go for a walk?" He said stuffing his hand into his pocket to stop his hand from sweating. 

"It will cost you, for making me leave my friend." You didn't know where your confidence had come from. 

"Oh yeah?" He leaned against the wall beside him, sipping innocently as his drink, eyes glistening as they look down at you with a flirtatious intention. "Anything." He rasps.

"The slushy is a good start... but I want more..." 
"Anything." He repeated. 
"How about your number?" You licked your lips, now tinted red by the slushy you sipped at. 

"Done." He smirks, pushing off the wall. You quickly sent your friend a look, double checking this was okay, though you knew she would be thrilled. Just as you thought, she stood there smiling like an insane person, nodding frantically. 

"Go." She mouthed. "Meet you a little later."

So off you went, on your walk with your slushy friend, his number in your phone by the end of the night and another walk locked in for the next night. 

Your friend was left standing at the slushy stand, sipping at her blue drink, her brain freezing as she tried to contain her excitement she had for you. Now she only wished the person she had been searching for the entire night was there to keep her company. 

"You know that's not good for you right?" A voice hums from behind her.

Hey! Another update! Exciting stuff. 

So, I think I might want to do a part two for the friend but a the same time I could just leave it. What do you think?

Thank you so much for reading. 

I hope your day/night is as cool as a slushy.


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