Chapter 2

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Episode 2


" It's not shocking at all! " Eun-Hee heard Soo Ah and rolled her eyes as she walked beside her.

She was surprised Soo Jin didn't lash out on her yet, but she would enjoy the peace while it lasts. " She taught some middle school a lesson for smoking last time. Total girl crush! "

Soo Jin flushed, " Ah! Whatever! " Eun-Hee glanced around, too bored to listen Soo Ah rant about her skirt.
" Move. "

She turned around, " Ani! (No!) " She crossed her arms, stepping beside
Ju Kyung. She knew she shouldn't mess with the boy's temper but she always had a knack of annoying people when they were already angry.

" Eun-Hee! " Soo Ah warned, tugging her sleeve but she stood to her ground, " You can step aside and walk ahead. "

She bit back from grinning as she saw
Soo Ho trying hard not to smile again.
" Move, Eun-Hee. "

" No. The path is literally that spacious." Soo Ho, much to everyone's surprise, chuckled and walked past her. Eun-Hee's grin widened as she turned around, " Oh. My. God! "

" Was that a smile? " Soo Ah asked, gasping. " No, he laughed. " Ju Kyung mumbled, still a little frightened of the boy.

Eun-Hee beamed and picked her pace,
" Ya, Soo Ho! " She ran, catching up with the boy. " I see you're actually trying some personality that isn't boring. "

" I'm in a good mood, that's why I smiled. It's got nothing to do with you. " Eun-Hee bit her lip, " Must you keep hurting my feelings like that? "

She sighed dramatically, nudging the boy, who rolled his eyes, " But I know why you laughed. Don't worry, it'll be a secret. "

She shook her head, recalling back to the day how she had met him. It was in the familiar situation and she had refused to step aside when he had ordered.

Both of them had ended up being scolded by the teachers for hitting each other on the first day of the middle school.

A sudden gust of wind rushed past her and she let out a short yelp, jumping towards Soo Ho and stumbling in his chest as a bike crossed by her side.

A hand clutched on her chest, she let out a breath of relief. " Yah! Why you-"

She stopped talking once she realised who it was. Seo-Jun took off his helmet and shook his head, his hair ruffled to frame his face perfectly.

She crossed her arms and let out a short scoff, " Would've been easy, huh? Just drive over me. "

She grumbled and Seo-Jun smirked smugly, " You know it. But what's the use if you don't suffer? "

Seo-Jun glanced between the girl and
Soo Ho, who was still glaring at him and rolled his eyes. " Ah! How annoying! "

He mumbled and walked away. Eun-Hee huffed, " That annoying little bastard.. " She ranted as she entered the school with Soo Ho by her side, her long list of nicknames for Seo-Jun not ending.

Once she stood in front of her class, she sighed, " Don't eat something that'll change your mood like, " She snapped her fingers and Soo Ho smiled, " I
won't. "

" Oh, what a relief! " She teased, heading inside and straight to the board to write down the date and day.

" Are you the Student President? " She hummed, setting down the chalk to find a boy around her age, a little taller with brown hair and honey eyes standing there with a calm look on his face.

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