Chapter 36

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Episode 13


Han Seo-Jun was woken up by hot breath hitting his neck. He brought up a hand to cover his eyes from the damp sunlight, glancing down at the warm small body.

He widened his eyes once he realised what was going on. Never in his life had he imagined himself laying there, cuddling with Min Eun-Hee of all people.

He raided his gaze over the position he was in with Eun-Hee. His arm was wrapped tight around her waist, keeping her pressed against himself and their legs tangled.

While Eun-Hee had his shirt clutched in her fist, loosely, yet she held it as if she didn't want to let go. The conversation from previous night flooded through his mind as he stared at girl.

Her breath were calm to say the least, she looked angelic even while sleeping. The barely visible sunlight hit her fair skin, making it seem like it was glowing in white and a few strand of her hair lazily scattered over her breathtaking face.

He pushed them away, gently tucking them behind her ear. He didn't know why he was cuddling her. It was way out of his character to be the first one to make a move on the matter.

But maybe he just needed it, he reassured himself, Maybe he just needed to feel some comfort instead of helplessness at the thought of Ju Kyung dating Soo Ho.

He shook his head at himself. To him, it felt like he was using Eun-Hee for some reason. He needed to keep his distance. He sighed and shook the girl softly.

" Eunnie... Wake up. " He said softly, causing the girl to groan. The brunette only snuggled closer, pushing her face in the nape of his neck.

Seo-Jun was scared out of his mind, and panicked as to why he was feeling so jittery over it. His stomach was being wierd and felt like he didn't want to let go either.

" Eun-Hee! School starts in an hour. " The girl shot up to that, her hair almost covering her face. " What?! "

She scrambled off the bed and rushed towards the bathroom, slamming the door shut. Seo-Jun would've laughed his ass off at the girl's importance towards school, if it wasn't true that school actually started in an hour.

He glanced out of the window, It Was Snowing. Oh, Eun-Hee will be ecstatic. He thought, smiling as he got off and headed to the spare bathroom.

When he came out, all ready in his uniform, Eun-Hee was already in the kitchen making breakfast as she lightly swayed and hummed to herself.

He rolled his eyes and smiled, sitting in the table. " Are you done dancing? " The brunette turned around,
" It's Snowing. " She beamed and the boy chuckled.

" Is it? " Eun-Hee nodded while handing him pancakes with chocolate syrup, knowing that's how he likes it and started eating hers.

" I should call Ju Kyung. Her banners come out today! " She sighed happily, taking out her phone.

" Yah, let her be. " He huffed, annoyed by the lack of attention he was receiving. Eun-Hee shrugged, " Okay. We can go now and I'll send a picture. "

The two finished eating and left as soon as possible, reaching the bus stop.

Eun-Hee widened her eyes as she stepped out in the snow again, almost skipping in her steps as the duo walked towards the school gates just a few steps away.

Seo-Jun watched the girl, shaking his head. The only time you'd get to see Eun-Hee act all childish was when it'd snow.

" There! See, come on! " She pointed at one of Ju Kyung's banners as a school model and laughed, clicking a picture.

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