Chapter 9

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Episode 4


Eun-Hee walked down the hallway of her school the Monday morning. She smiled as she spotted Ju Kyung peeking in the classroom by the window.

" This classroom is just like my
pimples, " She heard her say and chuckled, reaching her side, " I don't know when they'll pop. "

" Not the best of analogy, Imju! " She smirked and Ju Kyung jumped, " Oh,
Eun-Hee! You heard that! " She laughed awkwardly.

" But you're right. We never know when one of those crack. " She pointed at the students and Ju Kyung nodded, blinking. " Anyway, " Eun-Hee dragged, " Are you looking at Soo Ho? "

" No! " Ju Kyung said suddenly,
" Mhm.. I mean, no. Why would I? "
Eun-Hee hummed teasingly, " Of course, you wouldn't. "

❃.✮:▹ ◃:✮.❃

" The function of X is 7. So what's the value when X is 6? " The math teacher said and Eun-Hee blinked, writing down the answer.

" Of course, it's 7! " She said dramatically, " Because the value of function is always 7! Okay, who wants to solve the next problem? "

The whole class ignored the teacher obviously, looking anywhere but at her.
" Eh! I'm a fool for asking. How about our math geniuses, Soo-Soo-Min? Come out, problem 1, 2 and 3. "

Eun-Hee stood up and walked towards the stage along with Soo Ho and Soo Jin.

She stood between Soo Jin and Soo Ho and started her third problem. It was quite easy. She just had to find the value of 6 if it was not the function.

So after a minute, she was done and walking back down towards her seat.
" wanjeonhan! (Perfect!) . Always the first! "Eun-Hee sighed as she noted down the problems in her notebook.

" And, " The teacher said, looking around, " Our new girl, Lim Ju Kyung, try problem four. "

Ju Kyung awkwardly walked to the front and Eun-Hee chuckled as Ju Kyung tried to ask for Soo Ho's help. The boy simply gave her a face of rejection and walked back to his seat.

" Ju Kyung, what's the point in looking? The problems are different. " Ju Kyung nodded awkwardly.

Eun-Hee glanced back questioningly as Seo-Jun snickered loudly, catching the attention of the class and the teacher.
" You're done for. "

Eun-Hee smirked and Seo-Jun rolled his eyes. " Oh, Seo-Jun seems to know the answer. Come out and solve it for her,
Seo-Jun! "

The boy pretended to yawn and Eun-Hee snickered. " That won't work on me. Come on out. " The class laughed as he got up and headed towards the baord, glaring at Ju Kyung on the way.

As he reached however, the bell rung and Seo-Jun smirked, " It's time for lunch now. " He gave a two finger salute and left the classroom while others laughed and scattered too.

Eun-Hee packed her bag and headed for lunch with Ju Kyung, Soo Ah and Soo Jin around her. " Am I always going to be a looser in math? "

Eun-Hee shook her head, " Imju, maths is just nonsense. I hate it too but I guess you need to get over basics. Right? " She rose an eyebrow at Soo Jin, who rolled her eyes and nodded.

" Yah! How long are you two going to be so dry? " Eun-Hee scoffed, " Aren't I the only one trying? " She teased and Soo Jin smiled slightly.

" Oh, you should join our math academy! " Soo Ah said and Soo Jin nodded. " Soo Jin, Eun-Hee and Soo Ho take classes there! "

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