Chapter 27

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Episode 10


Eun-Hee ruffled Seo-Jun's hair as she reached her seat, only for him to groan.
" Yah! "

The brunette smiled to herself as she took out her things. Seo-Jun raised an eyebrow, " What makes you so happy? "

" Nothing, " She sang and Seo-Jun sat straighter, grabbing her chair and making her face him with a screech.

" Don't tell me you went out with that
punk? " Eun-Hee laughed, shaking her head. " Ani! ( No!) . I just filled out my form. "

She slid a paper towards him and Seo-Jun read the only thing he first saw, Singer/ Songwriter. He couldn't help but grin too. Because it was written in the section of Desired Career.

" You still didn't show me the songs-"
Eun-Hee cut him off by simply raising an eyebrow. " I told you I won't. Don't take it personally. "

Seo-Jun pouted, " But I wanted to. Is it something that'd make me hate you after I read it or something? " He joked and Eun-Hee chuckled, " I'd rather not show you then get exposed. "

She muttered to herself, pushing her hair out of her face frequently. Noticing the struggle, Seo-Jun grabbed the hair clip from her bag and carefully plucked her hair.

" Thanks. " Eun-Hee said monotonously as she wrote. Seo-Jun hummed, glancing at the girl a little longer before going back to his work.

As the bell rang, everyone scattered to do their things. " Eun-Hee!!! " The brunette looked up to see Ju Kyung waving her over.

Smiling, Eun-Hee shut her book and pushed it in her bag before making her way towards her best friend.

The two exited the classroom and headed down the hallway to get to the bathroom. While Ju Kyung did her business, Eun-Hee washed her face and corrected her hair, her eyes remaining in the clip Seo-Jun had placed.

She smiled to herself, running her finger over it. A sigh escaped her lips as she faced Ju Kyung, who just came out.

" You look happy. Did something happen with Han Seo-Jun? " Ju Kyung teased and Eun-Hee flushed, rolling her eyes.

" No, " She sighed, " Although nothing seems to move, I like it the way it is. " She smiled to herself, looking at her palms.

Ju Kyung couldn't help but feel guilty.
" I'm sorry! " She said out of nowhere that made Eun-Hee jump. " Why? "

" If Han Seo-Jun didn't flirt with me so much, maybe he could've noticed you-"
Eun-Hee smiled, " Yah, Lim Ju Kyung! How do you expect him not to anyway? Have you looked at yourself? "

Eun-Hee smirked and Ju Kyung blushed, " Aish, shut up! You're the one to talk. I only use make up. "

Eun-Hee chuckled, " Don't bring that up. I told you there's no change there. " Eun-Hee sighed and Ju Kyung smiled, apologising.

" Here, " She took out a lip tint that Eun-Hee knew she bought it herself for Ju Kyung, " Please try this on? "

Ju Kyung pouted and Eun-Hee found it hard to deny. Ju Kyung grinned at her concerned face and applied it on her lips.

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