Chapter 18

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Episode 7


" Are you guys studying hard for the exams? " Mr. Han asked and everyone groaned.

" Mr. Han, can you reduce the chapters we have to study? Just a little bit? " A girl pinched her fingers and Mr. Han sighed.

" Some of you don't know what it is that you really want, " He started and Eun-Hee smiled, " And some of you do but you're hesitant. "

Eun-Hee glanced at Seo-Jun to find him staring at Ju Kyung and sighed, looking back at Mr. Han.

"....But opportunities come without a warning, and you must be prepared to take advantage of it. So in order to seize an opportunity when you ses one-"

" Mr. Han, thank you for your great words! " Ahn Hyun Kyu stood up, swinging his bag over his shoulder,
" You're the best. Bye! "

Everyone stood up and started leaving the classroom. Eun-Hee chuckled and stood up, grabbing her bag too, " Finish it. "

Mr. Han grinned, " You should study hard for your examinations. That's what I wanted to say. That is all. " He grabbed his books and left.

Eun-Hee sighed and turned on her heels, exiting the classroom. She wasn't looking forward to go home and hear another earful from her mother about the detention she served.

❃.✮:▹ ◃:✮.❃

" So you're saying he indirectly asked you out? " Eun-Hee asked, looking at her nails.

" I think so. "

Ju Kyung answered and Eun-Hee grinned, " Good. Soo Ho is growing up. " Eun-Hee smirked and Ju Kyung squealed.

" But there's going to be others, too. How is that a date? "

Eun-Hee hummed, thinking, " Yah, atleast he had the guts to do that. Let's just look on the bright side, you get to spend some more time. Just be there a little early. "

Ju Kyung hummed, " Good point. I'll do that. "


Eun-Hee cringed at her mother's loud screeching voice, " I'll call you later. Devil Lady's here! "

She hung up before Ju Kyung would answer. Eun-Hee stood up and opened the door. " Yes, omma? "

" DETENTION? AND I'M HEARING ABOUT IT NOW?! " Min-Jee barged in her room and Eun-Hee let out an inaudible sigh.

" It was a different case. " She said and Min-Jee scoffed, " You're lucky your grades aren't slipping. Or it would've been worst. I shouldn't hear another bad word from the school! "

" Yes, mum. "

Once her mother left, Eun-Hee stuck her tongue out mockingly before locking the door and falling back on her bed.

She sighed, looking at the grand piano in the corner of her room. Her feet dragged her along the wooden floor and she settled in front of it.

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