Chapter 4

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Episode 2


The next morning, Eun-Hee ignored the cut on the corner of her lip and got ready for school. Speedwalking, she left the house without any wish of goodbye and reached the bus stand.

As she settled there, waiting for the bus, her mood was lightening up. And the sight of Soo Ho making his way towards her helped her alot.

But the first thing Soo Ho noticed was the lip cut on her face. He frowned,
" Did you get in a fight? "

Eun-Hee smiled, " Aw.. Look at you, getting all worried. " She smirked teasingly and Soo Ho gave her a look. Eun-Hee sighed, " No, I didn't get in a fight. "

" Than where did you get that? " He settled beside her, pointing at her lip. Eun-Hee sighed, " Let's just say dinner didn't go very well. "

She grinned and Soo Ho scowled, " It's your mother, isn't it? " Eun-Hee shrugged, " You should report her. "

Eun-Hee chuckled softly, " It's not often. Only when I disobey. " The main reason Eun-Hee had stepped out for the punishment was because she knew she'd speak back.

Her mother was never really fond of her friendship with Soo Ho, Seo-Jun and Se Yeon in the first place and she always called them the wrong crowd.

It unfuriated Eun-Hee till this day. She wouldn't just sit and listen though. So that was expected and she knew it.

" What did you say this time? " Soo Ho sighed, exasperated and Eun-Hee shook her head, " Nothing much. "

As the bus arrived, the two got in, sitting in the back. Eun-Hee let out a noise from the back of her throat, a mixture of disapproval and annoyance. Soo Ho couldn't actually name one.

There by the door, got in Eum Ha Joon, grinning at her already. Soo Ho frowned, " Who's he? "

" B section monitor. Please tell him to fuck off in a decent way possible? " She mumbled, her lips sealing while Soo Ho glared at the boy.

" Hi, we meet again. " The boy leaned over, grinning. " Yeah... " Eun-Hee trailed off, glancing anywhere but at him. " Yah! I look handsome as always. Don't worry, you can look at me. "

He leaned closer and Soo Ho cleared his throat, " Can't you see we're busy? " He asked, and the boy looked between the two. " Oh, " Was all he said before regaining his composure. " Anyway, be ready at 8. "

He stalked off and Eun-Hee groaned,
" What a nuisance?! He's been like that ever since I handed out the Literature Assigments. "

Soo Ho glared at the boy, the particular feeling of overprotectiveness driving over him. Once they reached the school, the two walked side by side to the classroom.

" You go on, I'll be back. " Eun-Hee turned on her heels and entered the office, grabbing a Literature booklet and heading back to the classroom.

As she reached the door, she saw Seo-Jun and Ju Kyung, who was limping. " Yes, I'm fine. " Ju Kyung said, giving the boy a thumbs up before limping out of the door.

Eun-Hee frowned, " Are you okay, Imju? " Ju Kyung jumped but nodded.
" What happened? "

" Nothing at all. " Eun-Hee dismissed the subject, getting in the classroom and slumping in her seat. " Ahhh! Unnie, what happened to your gorgeous face? "

Eun-Hee sighed, " Nothing, Soo Ah. Be quite. " Soo Ah frowned, " Who punched you? "

Now that caught Seo-Jun's attention,
" Someone punched you? " He nearly jumped out of the seat in anger, but covered it up with a sly smirk right as
Eun-Hee faced him.

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