Chapter 44

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Episode 15


" You might as well pose! " Eun-Hee flinched and nodded. " Right, I forgot I was supposed to pose! "

She sassed and Seo-Jun chuckled. He grabbed her arm and twirled her, causing her back to land in his chest. The two had their eyes on the camera, their expressions contorted into a perfect model face.

Eun-Hee's phone buzzed and she huffed, " Not right now! " Shs exclaimed and the photographer gave them a thumbs up.

Sighing, Eun-Hee pulled herself away from Seo-Jun before grabbing her phone. " Well, wow! Now he's texting me! "

Seo-Jun raised an eyebrow " Who? " He asked, peeking. " Lee Soo Ho! He was supposed to call me as soon as he lands, but I heard from Ju Kyung that she already met him last night. "

Seo-Jun chuckled, " Wouldn't that be the first thing that'd come to his mind? "
Eun-Hee looked at Han Seo-Jun with amusement, " Doesn't that bother you in a slightest bit? "

Seo-Jun rolled his eyes and shrugged,
" It was bound to happen. " Eun-Hee smirked, " Are you telling me you're over Lim Ju Kyung? "

Seo-Jun nudged her as she followed him, " Shut up, Eunnie. I'm changing so you turn around and leave. " Eun-Hee laughed, " No. I'm staying here. "

She crossed her arms and Seo-Jun raised an eyebrow in challenge, " If you wish. " He took off his jacket and Eun-Hee bit her lip, " Whatever! "

She screeched, turning on her heels and running out of the room. Seo-Jun chuckled, shaking his head.

When the two were finally off the modelling for the day, they drove over to Soo Ho's apartment. Eun-Hee knocked twice and Seo-Jun did the same.

As soon as the door was opened, Eun-Hee attacked the boy in a tight hug. " Yah, at least let him breath. "

Seo-Jun said and Soo Ho chuckled, pulling away. " What kept you so busy huh? " She crossed her arms, passing his tall body towards the kitchen.
" Didn't you tell me yourself you'd
call? "

Soo Ho scratched the back of his neck and Eun-Hee scoffed, " Ah, look at
that! " She teased, smirking and Seo-Jun shook his head.

" Don't lie though! Lim Ju Kyung already told me you met her! " Soo Ho sighed, " She ran away as soon as she saw me though. "

Eun-Hee shared a look with Han Seo-Jun before both burst out laughing. " Wae? (Why?!) I don't think you look that bad! " Eun-Hee teased, looking at Soo Ho up and down.

Seo-Jun stood up and rounded the kitchen isle, " I don't think it's about his looks. She must've been confused about how to react. " He scoffed, bothered by Eun-Hee's comment.

Soo Ho glanced between the two, Eun-Hee was freely talking about Ju Kyung in front of Seo-Jun, first of all, and the second wierd thing was, Seo-Jun didn't seem to get jealous or angry about it.

He gave Eun-Hee a questioning look,
who was unaware herself, shrugged.
" You two talk like that now? " Seo-Jun raised an eyebrow and Eun-Hee grinned to herself, pouring the coffee and pushing the two mugs towards the boys.

Soo Ho raised an eyebrow too, " We always did. You didn't know? " Eun-Hee frowned, wondering what Soo Ho was playing at.

" Aish, why am I always left out on things? " Seo-Jun nudged Eun-Hee, who shrugged, " Just makes me feel superior. "

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