Chapter 42

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Episode 15


Eun-Hee had almost got run over by the cars five times as she ran over to Ju Kyung's home.

She was panting as she sat on the edge of her bed, rubbing her back as she sobbed. " Imju, what's wrong? "

Ju Kyung sniffled, " Lee Soo Ho broke up with me! " She cried and Eun-Hee widened her eyes, but she could really understand why he did it.

" Imju, it's for the best, don't you think? Long distance relationship don't work usually. I'm sure when he'll get back, you'll be the first person he sees. " Eun-Hee reasured and Ju Kyung only cried harder.

Eun-Hee sighed and patted her back.

**✿❀ Two Years Later....... ❀✿**

" Cheers! "

Eun-Hee chuckled as she was sat across Ju Kyung, who kept drinking. " Yah, Imju, slow down. "

She said but Ju Kyung shook her head.
Eun-Hee sighed and played with the mug of latte in her hands mindlessly.

Since she was a trainee now, she had a diet to follow and she couldn't drink because of that. Eun-Hee didn't like the idea of getting drunk anyway. She was better off this way.

" Let's make the announcement together! " Tae Hoon stood up and Eun-Hee blinked as he grabbed Hyun Kyu up with him.

Tae Hoon took off his baseball cap and revealed his new haircut. Eun-Hee gasped, muffling her laughter while others didn't bother so much.

" Hyun Kyu and I are going to the army next month. " He announced and everyone gawked. " We're going to enter together side by side, so please support us! "

Tae Hoon started but Hyun Kyu yanked off his arm, " I'm sorry, " He said, facing others, " I didn't enlist. I got a girlfriend! " He revealed a ring and Eun-Hee gasped for the second time today.

" Oh, my! Who's the lucky girl, Hyun Kyu?! " She asked and Hyun Kyu grinned, " A girl has taken the ownership of my heart recently. Regardless, I can't join the army. "

He sat down and Tae Hoon looked like he was about to cry. " You traitor! We agreed to join together! "

Tae Hoon grabbed a hold of Hyun Kyu's hair and started to tug at them. " Ah! How can I leave as soon as I get a girlfriend?! "

The poor boy argued and Eun-Hee shook her head at the two. " Idiots. " She muttered under her breath, checking her phone.

To: Han Seo-Jun
Where are you? This is utter chaos! Are you not done with training yet?

She sent the text to Seo-Jun and suddenly, Ju Kyung stood up, " Shut up, all of you! " Eun-Hee then realised how drunk Ju Kyung had actually gotten.

She laughed, helping Ju Kyung sit down. The girl instantly passed out and Soo Ah sighed. " Is he coming? Why isn't he here yet? He should take care of her. "

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