Chapter 33

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Episode 12


" Dear Eun-Hee, Soo Ho and Han Seo-Jun, I wasn't going to write this because as Eun-Hee says, it felt so corny. I wasn't able to thank you guys when I won the first place, because I was busy crying.

I'm writing a letter hoping you guys won't feel upset. I always had a lonely life, but thanks to you guys, the past three years of my life were filled with warmth.

Thanks to our time together, I was able to laugh alot, gain more confidence and finally achieve my dream.Today's the best day of my entire life.

And I will always remember you guys were with me today. My precious friends, I love you guys. I know I'll feel embarrassed if you guys read this letter, so I hope you never find it.

From, Se Yeon. "

Eun-Hee had tears streaming down her eyes as she read the letter, standing infront of Se Yeon's grave on a sunny day by the edge of the outer banks.

She leaned her head on Seo-Jun's shoulder, who was sobbing while Soo Ho patted his back.

The three made their way down the hill and reaches the main street, sitting on the nearby bench in a comfortable silence. Eun-Hee smiled at the bracelet in her hand while Seo-Jun was watching his, comparing to Soo Ho's.

" Do you know what Se Yeon said the day we bought this? " He smiled and Eun-Hee chuckled softly, " He hoped that our friendship would last forever. "

Eun-Hee grinned, " And I told him he was being cheesy. "

" And I asked him to stop being so
childish. " Seo-Jun chuckled and Eun-Hee sighed, " Yes, you did. " Soo Ho said, smiling.

" Back then, I took it for granted. So I thought we'd always be together. But who knew he'd die so quickly? "

Eun-Hee sighed, " I know. "

She smiled to herself as Seo-Jun apologised to Soo Ho, causing her to giggle. Seo-Jun looked at her with amusement, along with Soo Ho.

Eun-Hee never giggled. She hated that sort of noise. " What's wrong with us? " She asked, her face beaming a different light.

Seo-Jun couldn't stop his lips from stretching into a smile at the sight,
" You did that once, don't do it again. "

Eun-Hee laughed, cringing at the same time. " Don't remind me. "

" You should talk it out. " Seo-Jun said, realising Soo Ho has a few missed calls from his father. " So that you won't regret it later. "

Eun-Hee said, looking up at the sky.
" Says who? You're still ignoring your mother. " Eun-Hee smiled to herself, letting her head fall on Seo-Jun's shoulder.

" In the past, I was jealous of you for having a rich father. I'm not jealous anymore. " Seo-Jun scoffed playfully and Eun-Hee chuckled while Soo Ho rolled his eyes.

" Why were you jealous? You have a
mom. " Soo Ho countered and Eun-Hee sighed, " Are we trying to compete who has sadder life? "

Seo-Jun smiled, " Your family is rich. " He nudged both Eun-Hee and Soo Ho. Eun-Hee rolled her eyes, " I've still got a job to find. "

She smirked and Seo-Jun rolled his eyes, " Fine. Your family is rich. " He said to only Soo Ho, who gave both of them a hard but playful glare.

" Aish, you both will team up against me now. " He sighed and Eun-Hee laughed. She yelped as something fell on her feet.

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