Chapter 28

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Episode 10


" What was that? " Eun-Hee chuckled, tugging her bag tightly and Soo Ho shrugged.

" No idea. "

Eun-Hee laughed again. Right before the school ended, Mr. Han was talking about studying hard for final exams when Ju Kyung had yelled " NO! " rather loudly.

Which made Mr. Han defeated on his decision. Both Eun-Hee and Soo Ho knew though, that she must've zoned out on something.

" What was with you on lunch anyway? You were so red in the face, I thought someone might've boiled you. " Eun-Hee nudged the boy, the faint pink rising on her cheeks again.

" Nothing! Cho Rong was just-"

" Ah! So it includes Han Seo-Jun. " Soo Ho smirked and Eun-Hee gave him an annoyed look. " Go, talk to her! Why are you wasting your time?! "

She pushed the boy, desperate to change the subject. " I know what you're doing! " He teased, walking away. Eun-Hee shook her head, trying not to smile.

" That boy's been out of his bubble ever since he started being lovey dovey! " She chuckled, happy to see her both best friends so happy.

Suddenly, someone ran past her, ruining the moment Ju Kyung and Soo Ho were sharing. " Lee Soo Ho?! "

It was Kang Soo Jin.

Eun-Hee frowned as Ju Kyung went sad and declared she wasn't going to study today because she felt sick and walked away.

Eun-Hee looked at Soo Jin in bewilderment as she reached beside them, " I'll go talk to her. " She said and followed Ju Kyung, who was now sniffling.

" Yah, Ju Kyung! You know he only likes you, right? " She whispered and Ju Kyung nodded, " But Soo Jin-aa likes him so much. Otoke? ( what should I do?) "

Eun-Hee sighed, " We'll wait and see, okay? I thought you were going to tell her today. " Ju Kyung sighed, " I couldn't. I imagined how it'd turn out. It's horrifying. "

Eun-Hee chuckled at the girl's cuteness,
" So that's why you were like NO! in last class? " Ju Kyung flushed and nodded.

Eun-Hee laughed, shaking her head.

The two parted ways and Eun-Hee made her way back to her apartment. Once she reached, however, she figured it wasn't a very good choice.

She was just resting in her room when her mother had barged in and locked the door behind her. This was another level of rage Eun-Hee had seen in her mother's eyes.

And for the first time, it truly scared her.

" Omma. " She didn't even know her mother had returned from her trip. While her father was still in the States.

This was really a trouble.

" You! What the hell am I seeing?! " She snapped, throwing a phone at her face.
Eun-Hee moved her face away slightly and picked up the phone.

She widened her eyes at the pictures of her and Han Seo-Jun for the new product advertisement. She nearly forgot that gig was real.

She came back to reality when her mother was already pulling her to her feet with a bunch of her hair. " Omma! " She yelled in pain, falling to the ground.

" I warned you not to get involved with him or that Lee! " She yelled and Eun-Hee gasped as a slap was placed across her face.

" Now see, that might effect the image of MY company! Do you take all of this as a joke? Why do you think I'm earning? To feed you and you useless father! "

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