Chapter 6

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Episode 3


Eun-Hee hurriedly walked down the steps, papers clutched in her hands as she reached the front of the stage by the diaz, beside Mr. Han.

Suddenly, Ju Kyun appeared and she played something on her phone. Eun-Hee widened her eyes, " Imju? Stop-"

But it was too late. Ju Kyung started dancing and Eun-Hee covered her mouth to muffle her giggles and the awe.

Mr. Han flushed in embarrassment too as the spotlight remained on Ju Kyung who was dancing on Maria song.

" Oh, no! I should join her! " She mumbled and Mr. Han widened his eyes. " No! " Eun-Hee smirked and ran beside Ju Kyung, following her with the steps she knew very well.

The lights turned on and Eun-Hee stood up, giving Ju Kyung a hand. " What-"

" I think you mistook this as the audition room. " Eun-Hee bit her lip and Ju Kyung widened her eyes as the vice-principal started yelling at other teachers.

" I'm sorry, everyone. I'll just...go." She rambled and grabbed her phone, running out of the room. " What a gifted dancer Ju Kyung is, though, isn't she? "

Mr. Han said nervously, motioning Eun-Hee to leave too. She nodded, holding in her laughter as she left the room and reacged the classroom.

Once she spotted Ju Kyung, mumbling things and biting her lips, she burst out laughing. " Imju, that was so cute! "

Ju Kyung flushed, " Thanks for joining me. That was a little less
embarrassing! " She sighed, chuckling and rubbing her cheeks.

Eun-Hee covered her mouth, " What were you doing? " She gasped, sitting straighter. " Do tell, "

Ju Kyung sighed and opened her mouth to say something. Soo Ah squealed as she entered the room, her phone in her hand. " What? "

Ju Kyung asked, eyes wide. " You two.. " Soo Ah squealed again and Eun-Hee grabbed her phone. The recent post on her school's website was her and Ju Kyung dancing.

She burst out laughing once again, " Oh, my God! Who did this? " Ju Kyung was redder than a tomato. " I look like a beginner beside you! "

Eun-Hee rolled her eyes, " You should've seen Mr. Han. He was about to cry! " Eun-Hee smirked.

Whistles spread around the classroom as everyone watched the video, " Our two Goddesses of the school blessing our eyes and souls-"

" Yah! " Seo-Jun yelled, annoyed. " Stop making so much noise! " He grumbled and focused on his phone. Once he found the video, he bit his tongue hard.

" The fuck... " He breathed out, glancing at Eun-Hee, who was still smiling wide.
" Mr. Han was going to throw a fit though! Eun-Hee, why did you join? " Soo Ah laughed, " You should've given the presentation. "

Eun-Hee grinned goofily, " Ju Kyung was stealing the spotlight anyway. " She nudged and Ju Kyung rolled her eyes.

" That was so embarrassing! Shut up! " She huffed and Eun-Hee chuckled,
" Let's just hope mum doesn't see that. "

Seo-Jun heard her say, the smile in the voice made him think otherwise. Her mother would kill her for pulling that one.

❃.✮:▹ ◃:✮.❃

After school, Eun-Hee planned on visiting Auntie Lee once more since she was about to get discharged in a few days.

She reached up hospital and hurried towards the lift, pressing the fifth floor and tapping her feet patiently.

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