Chapter 14

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Episode 6


" No! Hey, maybe you should try to be
nice! "

Eun-Hee groaned, nudging Soo Jin who rolled her eyes. " I wouldn't. Remember we get our tests back today? "

Eun-Hee hummed, " So what? We don't talk anymore after that? Oh, what a goodbye. " She said dramatically and Soo Jin snorted.

" Just a few weeks. " Eun-Hee raised her eyebrows, " Yah! I'm serious! "

Soo Jin chuckled, " Joking. But if I get a less grade than you, you're giving me your side dish today at lunch. " Eun-Hee hummed, grinning.

" But why side dish-"

" Yah, Kang Soo Jin! That's my seat. "
Eun-Hee looked up and smirked, " Is it? Oh, yeah! I forgot. " She teased and Seo-Jun smiled, slumping in the seat while Soo Jin moved away.

" Ige mwoya? (What's this?) Why is he smiling? " Soo Jin raised an eyebrow and Eun-Hee sighed, " Hormones. "

" Hey! " Seo-Jun nudged her and Eun-Hee laughed, " Just kidding! " Soo Jin shrugged, " Side dish! "

She reminded before walking away.

" Aish, seriously! That's my favorite! " Eun-Hee grumbled and Seo-Jun placed his chin on his palm, " When did that happen? "

" I don't know-oh, right. We were having dinner together! " She said, laying on the table. " You two? Dinner together? "

Eun-Hee rolled her eyes, " Mum arranged it. Apparently, mum and dad are good friends with her parents. "

" Mhm... " Seo-Jun hummed, " Ah! This is boring! We can't talk casually! " He groaned and Eun-Hee laughed, " I was waiting for you to say that, Oppa. "

Seo-Jun groaned, " Give it a rest. " He huffed and Eun-Hee smiled to herself,
" You know I won't. "

" Alright, everyone! Settled down! " Mr. Han entered and everyone rushed around. " Okay, so the test papers are graded and I'd like to hand them out. "

Everyone groaned while Soo Jin shot Eun-Hee a smirk. The brunette rolled her eyes, and mouthed whatever.

" Kang Soo Jin! "

Mr. Han said and Soo Jin eagerly made her way towards her paper and got back to her seat.

" Kim Si Hyun. "

" Yes. " A girl said and grabbed her paper.

" Min Eun-Hee! "

Eun-Hee stood up and glanced down, to find Seo-Jun's feet stuck out, she sighed and stepped on it nonchalantly as she walked and took her paper before turning around.

She gave Seo-Jun a sarcastic smile, who was wincing in pain and glaring at her. She chuckled and sighed as she opened her test paper.

" Guess I'm giving up my side dish today! " She pouted and looked at Soo Jin with a playful scowl.

" All flowers endure wind as they bloom, " Mr. Han started and Eun-Hee chuckled while the class groaned.

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