Chapter 45

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Episode 16


Han Seo-Jun paced, staring at his phone while Lee Soo Ho watched him do so.
He was laughing at how Eun-Hee had lashed out on him, but he honestly felt bad, considering how annoyed Eun-Hee must've felt.

He sighed, catching Han Seo-Jun's attention. " Go talk to her. " He suggested, " You have debut coming up and don't let this ruin it. "

Han Seo-Jun scowled, " But she's not calling—"

" Go and talk to her, Han Seo-Jun! She's mad at you! Why will she call you? " Han Seo-Jun huffed, " Fine. I'm going! "

" Give me the good news later! " He teased and Seo-Jun pretended to punch him as he exited his apartment and made his way towards Eun-Hee's apartment.

He didn't know what he was going to say. Fiddling with his thumbs as he climbed up the stairs, he stood in front of the door and bit his lip, his fist raised to knock on the door.

He shook his head, " No, no! I can't do this. Forget it! " He whispered to himself miserably, turning in his heels.

A groan escaped his throat as he realised how much of a chicken he was being. He just needed to tell her how he felt and stop confusing her. That was it. He'd think about the rejection later.

Sucking in a sharp breath, he knocked on the door and heard a faint coming from the inside. He pouted as the door opened and Eun-Hee gave him a blank look before turning on her heels.

Smiling, he stepped in and closed the door behind her as he slowly sneaked behind her.

" What is it? Stop following me—"

" Sorry for over reacting earlier, " Eun-Hee huffed, giving him a scowl.
" What is going on with you?! You know you can't always stop me from seeing guys, right? "

Han Seo-Jun bit the inside of his cheek,
" I know.... " Sighing, he grabbed the girl's shoulder and pulled her in his chest.

Eun-Hee frowned, " O.. kay. I wasn't that mad—are you crying?! " She asked in ridiculous tone and Han Seo-Jun rolled his eyes, " Why would I cry? "

He grumbled against her shoulder, tightening his grip around her.
" It's just... I.. like you. "

Eun-Hee froze, her eyes slightly widening as the words rung in the back of her head. She blinked softly,
" What? " She barely whispered and Han Seo-Jun shut his eyes tight.

" I was jealous, okay? It's wierd but—"

Eun-Hee pulled away, " I think I heard you wrong, " She mumbled, shaking her head, " Say that again? "

" Min Eun-Hee, " Han Seo-Jun sighed,
" You heard me right, " His cheeks turned red as Eun-Hee gaped at him,
" I know you don't feel the same way whatsoever! Let's not make this awkward—"

" Who fucking said that? " Eun-Hee scoffed, " We're going to make it awkward. " She turned around, smirking.

Han Seo-Jun groaned, " Eun-Hee, come on! " He sighed, " Please? I won't react that way again, I promise! You can.... go meet him if you want. "

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