Chapter 19

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Episode 7


" Eun-Hee-aa!! " She turned around and spotted Eum Ha Joon and sighed.
" What?! " She snapped and the boy grinned.

" Look, I only wanted to apologise. " Eun-Hee sighed, staring the boy for a few seconds. " Whatever. I couldn't care less. "

She turned on her heels, the main thing on her mind was nailing the Literature exam she had today, not some boy drama.

" Yah, how about I treat you Tteok-bokki after the exam? Just as an apology! Nothing else, " He promised and Eun-Hee bit her lip.

" Fine. But if I find it as some prank, I'm going to murder you! " She grumbled and Ha Joon grinned.

" It's not, I swear. Well, good luck on Literature! " He waved and Eun-Hee chuckled as he tripped over his own two feet on the way.

She turned back to hurrying inside when she spotted Ju Kyung and Seo-Jun comig her way. " Eunnie! Did you read
everything?! "

Ju Kyung asked and Seo-Jun scoffed,
" Yah, don't call her that. And why were you talking to that jerk? " Eun-Hee smirked," Why? She can call me that too. "

Ju Kyung giggled and Eun-Hee shook her head and Seo-Jun nudged her for ignoring the second question before walking further away. " Did you read? "

Eun-Hee sighed, " I had to. "

She settled in her desk and took out her notepad and pens before hanging her bag aside. " Well I'm glad you're seated beside me. "

Eun-Hee laughed, " No. " She said with a straight face and Seo-Jun pouted. She succesfully clicked a picture this time, although it was a little blurred, she managed and now Seo-Jun was whining.

" Now for that, I'm copying off of you. " He said, crossing his arms and Eun-Hee smirked, " You can try. I won't hold back from calling out on you! "

Seo-Jun huffed, " Rude. " He went back to sleep. Eun-Hee shook her head.

" What did he want? " He asked after a few seconds and Eun-Hee shrugged,
" He wanted to treat me as an apology. "

" And you denied, of course. " Seo-Jun said, looking at her expectantly. Eun-Hee tilted her head to a side, " You wanted me to say no to free food? "

Seo-Jun threw his hands in the air,
" You said yes?! " He exclaimed and Eun-Hee shrugged. " Couldn't say no to
Tteok-bokki. "

Seo-Jun huffed, " Yah! I can treat you that too! " He reasoned and Eun-Hee chuckled, " Whatever, Han Seo-Jun! What's done is done. "

❃.✮:▹ ◃:✮.❃

" Psstt... " Eun-Hee bit back from smiling and ignored the boy beside her as she wrote answers. " Eunnie!!! " He whispered and got ignored again.

He huffed, glaring at the girl who was clearly trying not to smile as she wrote her answers. Smirking himself, he shifted his chair closer and Eun-Hee shot him a glare.

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