Chapter 7

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Episode 4


" Ah, sweets. " Eun-Hee breathed out, leaning against the door while Seo-Jun rose an eyebrow at her.

His helmet was placed on his desk, filled with many candies and a piece of note. " That's of your business. " She grinned, snatching a candy and tossing it in her mouth.

" Yah! " He glared and Eun-Hee blinked,
" You'll get cavities if you eat so much sweet alone. Good for me, I don't get cavities-" She chuckled, grabbing another but her smile faltered as she recalled something.

Seo-Jun looked at her stilled hand, midway of grabbing the second candy. She placed it back and turned on her heels, leaving the room at once.

A sigh escaped his lips, it was just getting harder. He couldn't spend a minute without the memories reoccuring in his life again.

And everytime the pain flashed across her eyes, her face falling at the memories, he could only blame himself.

She had done nothing and he simply pushed her away, acted like strangers and it was now affecting him every way possible.

" Damn it! "

❃.✮:▹ ◃:✮.❃

It was lunch, and Eun-Hee was just sitting beside Soo Ah, a seat empty and Ju Kyung beside it.

" What's with the band aid? I saw you smile at Soo Ho earlier. " Eun-Hee grinned slyly, whispering and Ju Kyung widened her eyes, shaking her head.

" No-"

There was a loud crash that caught
Eun-Hee's attention, she turned around to find Soo Ho standing there, his plate and food scattered on the ground while
Seo-Jun making his way towards them.

She than realised he's making his way towards Ju Kyung when he settled beside her. " Is it, because of the helmet? "

The girl asked meekly, looking around.
Seo-Jun scoffed, " Ani! (No!) I'm here to eat with you. "

He motioned to her food and Eun-Hee raised an eyebrow while the whole cafeteria broke into whispers.

" Han Seo-Jun! "

Eun-Hee jumped at the sudden voice and noticed Soo Ho grabbing Seo-Jun's collar. She widened her eyes as Soo Ho shook Seo-Jun harshly.

" Are you serious? " Seo-Jun scoffed and Eun-Hee knew what was coming. She let her fork fall with a clink and stood up. " Mhm.. Soo Ho, don't start a fight. "

She whispered, reaching Soo Ho's side. The boy glanced at Eun-Hee, his hard glare softening but it was too late. Seo-Jun brushed off his grip and landed a hard punch in the side of his face.

Eun-Hee gasped, losing her balance and she ended up getting her palm sliced by the nearest steel plate when she was about to balance herself.

Shs ignored the blood and got to Soo Ho's side, " Ya, Han Seo-Jun! " She said warningly as Soo Ho stood up.

Soo Ho grabbed Seo-Jun by the collar again and went to punch him,
" Eun-Hee, you're bleeding! Oh, my God! "

Soo Ah shrieked and Eun-Hee glanced at her palm, the blood prickling down. She moved it away before the blood would stain her clothes.

" Aish! " Seo-Jun cursed, brushing off Soo Ho's grip and grabbing Eun-Hee's hand, his napkin already pressed against her wound.

" I'm fine! "

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