Chapter 29

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Episode 10


The next morning, Eun-Hee woke up to a different surroundings and realised how her previous day had went.

She grumpily got off the bed, " I was good with couch! " She said to Soo Ho, who was making coffee in the kitchen.
" It's fine. "

Eun-Hee smirked, " Ju Kyung got lucky with you, huh? " She teased, making her way to the bathroom to get ready.

She glanced at herself in the mirror, her purple cheek not any different while the cut on her lip was quite alright.

She sighed and got ready for school, sitting across Soo Ho as her mood was still ruined. " Since you don't feel so good, I have a few things to say. "

Soo Ho smiled and Eun-Hee rose an eyebrow, " I've got dumplings. "

When Soo Ho had finished talking, the two were already in front of the school gates and Eun-Hee was trying not to fall face first on the pavement.

She was laughing so hard and cringing at the same time. " Remind me not to fight in front of Ju Kyung's mother again. "

She gasped for air, shaking her head. Soo Ho sighed, " Well, at least someone enjoyed it. " He shuddered, which only made Eun-Hee laugh harder.

When the two reached the classroom,
Eun-Hee was suddenly crowded with people. She frowned, has the news of her leaving her house spreaded so fast?

She wondered, looking around.
" Since when did you two start dating? Although it was quite obvious-"

" Whoa! " Eun-Hee shut everyone up,
" Who's dating who? " She asked in bewilderment.

Before anyone could answer, the thundering footsteps were heard and Cho Rong appeared with his gang, all of them standing in line.

" Ta-da! "

They yelled, revealing shirts with photos printed on it. Eun-Hee tripped on her spot at the pictures. She forgot those were to get out eventually.

All of them were pictures of her and Han Seo-Jun, in the almost kiss pose. She facepalmed. " When did that happen? "

Soo Ho questioned and Eun-Hee shook her head, " It was a gig-" She looked around the classroom, pictures stuck to the walls.

" Yah! What are you all doing here? " She heard and widened her eyes, facing Han Seo-Jun, who had yet not noticed the pictures.

" What? " He asked and the boys revealed their shirts in the similar manner. Han Seo-Jun jumped in his spot, gaping at the pictures.

He gulped, turning over to look Eun-Hee who was mirroring his expression.

Eun-Hee, not in the mood to take any bullshit, walked up to the diaz and slammed it.

Everyone shut up immediately, " Hate to get your hopes up, but it was just a gig. " She sighed, " Now if I hear one more sound coming from any of you, you'll have to see what happens after. "

Soo Ho held himself from laughing at her annoyance. He knew not to mess with her when she was angry or in a sour mood.

Eun-Hee made her way past people and slumped in her seat. Seo-Jun would've said something too, but he was way too busy to notice Eun-Hee's face.

" Yah, you're making me angry now. " He said to group of boys who were gushing around him. The boys immediately scattered and Seo-Jun grabbed Eun-Hee's chair, pulling her closer.

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