Chapter 25

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Episode 9


Eun-Hee was sitting by herself on her desk, writing down a few math problems to get over with before the class starts when Cho Rong appeared.

" Yah, Min Eun-Hee! " She looked up,
" What? " She found out she was still annoyed at the boy for blasting those damned confettis in her face the other day on the trip.

" Can you come over and get Han Seo-Jun out of my classroom and off my desk? Where am I supposed to sit? He refuses to leave. "

Eun-Hee frowned, glancing at Ju Kyung and Soo Ho. Ju Kyung had told her the same night what had happened. When she was chased by the stupid bunch of Cho Rong and his friends, Soo Ho had helped her and confessed.

And now they were secretly dating.
Eun-Hee wondered if Seo-Jun had somehow found out, she cringed internally. She wasn't ready to see that face of him yet.

She sighed and stood up, following Cho Rong to his class. " Min Eun-Hee! How come you're vising my class? Miss me much? "

Eun-Hee chuckled, looking across the classroom where Seo-Jun was now watching her and Eum Ha Joon, annoyed.

The next second, he was standing beside Eun-Hee with his arm around her.

" She's here for me, crackhead. Move aside! " Eum Ha Joon glanced between the two. " Well, what are you doing in my class anyway?! "

Eun-Hee bit back her laughter and nudged Seo-Jun, " Come on! Why are you sitting here? " She dragged the boy, who whined as she did.

" Why didn't you tell me? " Seo-Jun whined while Eun-Hee rolled her eyes. " Tell you what? "

" That Lee Soo Ho already confessed? " Eun-Hee sighed, " Why would I do the hard job? Besides, it isn't my place to out those two. "

Eun-Hee said and Seo-Jun rolled his eyes, " Well, I deserved to know. " Eun-Hee raised an eyebrow, " Are trying to make me choose one of you three? "

Seo-Jun grinned and Eun-Hee scoffed,
" No can do. " She brushed his hair out of his forehead and Seo-Jun scowled, slumping in his seat.

❃.✮:▹ ◃:✮.❃

Eun-Hee looked around for Han Seo-Jun in the lunch room and found him sulking while Cho Rong tried to cheer him up.

She rolled her eyes and made her way towards Ju Kyung, who was now suddenly standing up and leaving the cafeteria because Soo Ho was going to sit beside her.

" The hell is wrong with her? " She mumbled, sitting beside Soo Jin and started her lunch.

The hour passed by quickly and Eun-Hee was again, sitting in her class while Mr. Han had handed out the Career Registeration forms.

She was just staring at it, wondering what to write in that empty space.
" Yah, Han Seo-Jun! Stop with the long face. "

Eun-Hee grumbled and Seo-Jun rolled his eyes, facing the other way. Eun-Hee tugged at his hair, causing him to groan and look at her in annoyance.

Eun-Hee gave him the best puppy eyes she could muster while Seo-Jun tried to hold his face straight. After a good few seconds, he scoffed and looked away, smiling.

Eun-Hee grinned, " I saw it! " She shot up, making her way to the other side and pointed at his face, " There! "

Seo-Jun huffed, " Go away! " Eun-Hee chuckled and ruffled his hair before slumping back in her chair.

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