Chapter 17

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Episode 7


Eun-Hee stepped out of her apartment, only to be startled by the boy standing in front of her.

" Yah, you startled me! " She reached nearer and knocked on his helmet.
" What are you doing here? "

" To pick you up. Hurry now! I'll drive slow, I promise. " Eun-Hee frowned and reached for the spare helmet and climbed on the motorcycle. Before she could even get a hold of his jacket, he had started the engine.

Eun-Hee yelped, " Hey! You always do
that! " She scowled, hugging his back even though a smile was formed on her lips.

At least my hair won't be ruined.

She thought, thankful for the helmet.
" Drive slow, my foot! " She said over the air and Seo-Jun smirked, only speeding up.

Eun-Hee shook her head, sighing. Once they were nearing the school, Eun-Hee could already expect the gossip.
" Maybe you should stop here! They'll start making lame rumors. "

Seo-Jun rolled his eyes and sped up inside, causing Eun-Hee to groan.
" Why don't you ever listen to me?! " She hit his back, getting off the bike and taking off the helmet.

She ruffled her hair while students around gaped and whispered. Eun-Hee handed Seo-Jun the helmet, " See, they're talking already. "

Seo-Jun clicked his tongue, " Tsk... " He sighed dramatically, blocking Eun-Hee between him and the motorcycle. He leaned closer, " I didn't know dating me would be so lame for you, Eunnie. "

He smirked teasingly and Eun-Hee blinked, mouth slightly parted at the change in his demeanour,
" Mwo? ( What? ) " She managed to whisper as Seo-Jun sighed again, leaning even closer.

Eun-Hee moved back, " Aish,
seriously! " She nudged the boy, trying not to let him notice the blood that was rushing up to her cheeks.

Seo-Jun chuckled, turning on his heels and walking away.

" Yah! " Eun-Hee blinked, her heart pounding. She shook her head, cursing as she made her way to her class.
" What's wrong with him? "

She grumbled, realising people were watching AND recording. " Hey, you better fucking delete that! "

She warned the nearby girl, who jumped and bowed, apologising. But not for recording, but because she wouldn't delete it.

As she reached the classroom, she was tackled in a hug by Ju Kyung. " Whoa! " She stumbled, managing to stand properly.

" What? What's wrong? " Ju Kyung pulled away and hit her arm. " Ow! What did I do? " She grumbled, slumping in her seat.

" Nothing. " Ju Kyung huffed, " I was just worried. " Eun-Hee tried not to laugh. " Aww... I might just marry you! "

She laughed and Ju Kyung settled across her. " Anyway, where did you learn those cool moves? " She gushed and Eun-Hee smiled.

" Can you do something that's not bragging? " Seo-Jun settled beside her and Eun-Hee scoffed. " Look who's talking! "

Ju Kyung glanced between the two and pursed her lips. Soo Ah and Soo Jin who appeared beside her seemed to be doing the same thing.

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