Chapter 15

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Episode 6


" Just tell me already! " Ju Kyung whined and Eun-Hee sighed, rolling over to face the ceiling.

" Don't freak out. " She warned and Ju Kyung hummed, " Han Seo-Jun. "

A few seconds later, she heard a loud scream and widened her eyes. " Yah, Imju! Are you okay? "

" Yeah! All fine. Han Seo-Jun?! How? When? Where? "

Eun-Hee sighed, smiling softly. " It wasn't like that. On the festival day, I was having a panic attack so, er... He distracted me. I wouldn't actually call it a kiss, but it's a kiss so ughh! Whatever. I hate gossiping. "

She could hear Ju Kyung giggle on the other end, " Did you like it? " Eun-Hee flushed, " No. I told you, it wasn't a-"

" Don't stall. Just answer. "

Eun-Hee sighed, biting her lip, " Maybe a little... " She pinched her fingers and Ju Kyung squealed again.

" You totally like him! "

" NO! " Eun-Hee sat up and cleared her throat, " Don't make any assumptions. Pfft... Why would I like him? "

Ju Kyung hummed teasingly, " Who are you trying to lie? Yourself? Or me? "

Eun-Hee groaned in her pillow as she fell back, " Don't be so right all the time. Ugh! "

Ju Kyung sighed, " Anyway! I have to go right now. I'll talk to you later. "

Eun-Hee hummed and hung up, staring at the ceiling. " Aish, Han Seo-Jun! Fuck you! " She groaned, letting out an annoyed scream in her pillow.

He was filling up her head with all his thoughts. Eun-Hee couldn't even focus on her homework, he was that distracting.

She stared at her ceiling and let out a sigh, wanting to fall asleep.

❃.✮:▹ ◃:✮.❃

The next morning she woke up, she got ready and hurried towards the bus stop to catch up with Soo Ho.

" Did mum ever find you? " She smiled as she settled beside him. " No, " Soo Ho smiled, " She didn't. What did she say to Han Seo-Jun though? "

Eun-Hee sighed, " Just to stay away from me. " She scoffed and Soo Ho shook his head. " You two seem like you made up. "

Eun-Hee hummed, stretching her hands, " Sort of. I just lashed out and he-"

" Spare the details. " Soo Ho stood up as the bus appeared. Eun-Hee laughed,
" Nothing happened. " She nudged him and the two settled in the back.

The ride was short and Eun-Hee found herself joining Ju Kyung's side while Soo Ho left for himself.

" Hi, there! Saw your prince charming yet? " Eun-Hee groaned, " I shouldn't have told you! " She complained, clutching on Ju Kyung's arm as they walked.

Ju Kyung sighed, " Just tell me
everything! " Ju Kyung said excitedly and Eun-Hee shook her head.

" Oh, hush! Not the best place. I'll text you or call you tonight. I promise. " Ju Kyung groaned, " Ugh! Another day to wait. "

Eun-Hee chuckled and entered the classroom. " You have-"

" Science. " Eun-Hee scrunched her face, " Go, enjoy it with Soo Ho. " She shooed the girl away and slumped in her seat. She was glad her day started with Mr. Han, the ray of sunshine.

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