Chapter 30

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Episode 11


" I'm telling you, I was there all the time. " Eun-Hee reassured and Ju Kyung smiled.

" I'm relieved. It's wrong of me to think this but to me, it feels like Soo Jin-aa is trying to make me seem bad. " She muttered and Eun-Hee scoffed at the mention.

" Imju, believe it or not, she knows you are his girlfriend. " Eun-Hee sighed,
" Remember when she picked up your call on Soo Ho's phone? I checked the name and it had your picture with him, and the name was GIRLFRIEND in capital letters. "

Eun-Hee said, scrunching her face. " I won't let her do that. " She sighed and Ju Kyung shook her head, " It's so wrong of me to think like this about her. "

Eun-Hee smiled at Ju Kyung's innocence and sighed. " Let's get this inside. " Ju Kyung nodded and picked up the box.

Eun-Hee had found a decent sized apartment near Soo Ho's apartment itself. He refused to let her live far from his.

It had two bed rooms, a kitchen and a living room attached to it. A common bathroom while one attached to her room.

" Min Eun-Hee! " She turned around, finding her father standing there.
" Appa! " She grinned, running towards the man and pulling him in a hug.

" You're moving in already?! " Eun-Hee hummed, " Meet Lim Ju Kyung! My best friend! "

Ju Kyung bowed in respect and Do Jin grinned, " You've got some help, good. Let me help you too. "

Eun-Hee was glad when she heard from her father again. He was very supportive of her on moving out. Besides, she was 19 and she needed to live by herself anyway.

She didn't tell him about being hit again. Or Do Jin would've definitely become serious about it. So she just told him she wanted to live by herself.

While she was unpacking her clothes in the room, she got a call. " Soo Ho! " She grinned, pressing the phone against her ear.

" Hello? " She frowned, " Soo Ho? You there? " She set her clothes aside and Ju Kyung placed them in the wardrobe, while looking at Eun-Hee confused.

She could hear some commotion of the street and passing cars. " Yah, Lee Soo Ho! Did you hear the song?! "

She heard Seo-Jun's voice and frowned.
" That jerk! "

And suddenly, she could hear horns blaring a loud crash. Her heart dropped, " Han Seo-Jun?! "

" Hello? "

" Hello? Who is it? What just happened? " Eun-Hee frantically grabbed her card and rushed towards Ju Kyung, " I'll be back. Feel free to
stay. "

Ju Kyung nodded and shrugged it off while Eun-Hee reached her father, " I'm heading out for a bit. " She ran out, the phone still pressed against her ear.

" The boy who this phone belongs to got in an accident! There's one more boy with him! "

" Where are they?! " She gasped, hailing a cab. " Right in front of the Move Entertainment! "

" Thank you! " She hung up and told the driver to hurry up. Her leg bounced up and down, many questions rising in her head.

What we're they doing together? Did they get in a fight in the middle of a street? She frowned, looking out of the window. Once the car stopped, she saw an ambulance leaving the spot.

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