Chapter 23

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Episode 8


" It took me so much time to find out you're Ryu. "

Said Hee Kyung, sipping from her coffee. Eun-Hee sighed, leaning over the desk to grab the girl's hand, " I'm sorry, Unnie. But you have to understand I'm in no state to go through that. " She said softly, " Again. "

Hee Kyung let out a soft sigh. " You can take your time. But I really want to take out this memorial album and you, of all people have a right to sing in Se Yeon's album. "

Eun-Hee sucked in a sharp breath, her eyes stinging. " I'm sorry, I just can't. " Shs said shakily, " I'm not ready for
that. "

Hee Kyung patted Eun-Hee's hand,
" It's fine. Take your time and contact me whenever you want. "

Eun-Hee nodded, dabbing her eyes to stop the tears, " I'm sorry, " She chuckled, " I started crying again! "

Hee Kyung smiled, " I can't understand what you're going through, but considering you and Se Yeon were close, I can tell. It's fine. Here's my card. "

Eun-Hee stood up and waved at Ju Kyung's sister before pushing the card in her phone case. She wasn't sure if she would contact her any time soon.

" Eun-Hee! "

She jumped at the sudden voice, blinking. " Yeah? " She faced Ju Kyung, who sighed but pushed the lie detector towards her.

Eun-Hee raised an eyebrow, " Oh, no. Not happening. " She said and everyone started to complain. She sighed and placed her hand over it, looking at Ju Kyung.

" I'll ask! " Soo Ah grinned and Eun-Hee blinked, " It won't be nice. " She muttered to herself as Soo Ah thought of a question.

" We never got to know about your love life, did we? " Eun-Hee widened her eyes, " Yah, as lame as I sound, I don't have one. Don't ask me anything about that! "

She said and Seo-Jun smirked, " Look at her, getting all defensive. " He teased and Eun-Hee slapped his arm.

Soo Ah giggled, " Who was your first kiss? "

Eun-Hee's playful smile faltered, her cheeks heating up. And in that moment, she wanted nothing but to run and hide in some cave.

" I haven't had my first kiss yet. " She said and the machine said she was lying. She yelped as everyone hit her head, " Why does that thing even
work? "

She chuckled, correcting her hair. She didn't glance at Seo-Jun, knowing it'd be extremely awkward if she brought that up. Besides, she thought he didn't even spare it a thought.

Knowing it'd be risky walking away right now, so she sat there, looking at Tae Hoon with sympathy as Soo Ah broke up with him. " Aish, seriously,
Soo Ah! Don't be so dramatic! "

She said but Soo Ah stomped away.
Eun-Hee, finding it as a good escape from Han Seo-Jun for sometime, got up and decided to follow her.

Unfortunate for her, Soo Jin and
Ju Kyung were doing the same thing so she was held back by none other than Han Seo-Jun. She groaned, " What's with you and my jacket? "

She asked, hoping she wasn't being awkward. He tugged her beside her as they walked farther away from the tent.
" You're schedule is a little messed up, don't you think? "

He spoke up, breaking the silence. Eun-Hee glanced up, " Really? " She frowned, looking back towards the ground.

Seo-Jun hummed, " You were sleeping yesterday, at 2 in the afternoon. " He exclaimed and Eun-Hee sighed.

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