Chapter 35

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Episode 12


Eun-Hee crossed her arms, her face formed into a scowl as she leaned against the wall. Ju Kyung was standing beside her, doing the same.

" Imju, please!!!! " Eun-Hee whined, pouting. Ju Kyung looked away, having struggle with giving on the face she was making.

" No. "

" I'll buy you.... food, make up, clothes, we can watch movies, have girls night-"

" No. "

" Yah, Lim Ju Kyung! " Eun-Hee stomped her feet and turned on her heels, her face still formed in a pout as she made her way down the hallway.

" Ugh... Fine. " She grinned, turning around. " But only if you promise to do all of that. " Eun-Hee nodded, throwing herself at the girl.

" Thank you! Thank you! You're the best! " Ju Kyung smiled, rolling her eyes. " No need to butter that now. "

Eun-Hee grinned sheepishly. The two walked towards the auditorium and found a crowd with the music teacher and Wang Suck.

" Ju Kyung agreed! " Eun-Hee clapped before nudging Ju Kyung. The girl awkwardly walked up to the stage and the photographer started clicking her pictures as she posed for the school model.

Eun-Hee chuckled, shaking her head.
" So awkward. "

" Min Eun-Hee. " She faced Soo Jin.
" What? " Eun-Hee said dryly and Soo Jin tilted her head, " Did you start fighting with me again because you didn't get to be first this time? "

Eun-Hee knew what she was talking about. She was clearly insisting on not being liked by Han Seo-Jun first. But Eun-Hee couldn't care less about that.

Eun-Hee smirked, " I'm always first, Kang Soo Jin, " She said, " Let me count it for you. Soo Ho's first best friend, me. First one to know Ju Kyung's secret, me. Top on every exam with Soo Ho, me. I won the student president election while you remained a class monitor again... And the list goes on. Do you want me to continue? "

Kang Soo Jin scoffed, clearly offended as her jaw clenched, " Burn. " Eun-Hee chuckled softly, " I didn't mean to offend you, you know? But truth is always bitter. Like Lee Soo Ho dating Ju Kyung is a reality. "

Eun-Hee stood striaghter and knocked into the girl's shoulder, " It's lame of you to try and tear them apart. They like each other too much to get swayed away by you. "

Eun-Hee said, without looking back and exited the auditorium. A shaky sigh escaped her lips. She was, to say the least, satisfied that she told Soo Jin off like that.

That girl was blinded by too much amount of jealousy to see what she was doing. Eun-Hee stopped as she realized Soo Ho was sitting alone on the bench.

She grinned, skipping towards the boy.
" Lee Soo Ho~" The boy looked up and rolled his eyes, " Ah, I didn't hear anything. "

He stood up and Eun-Hee gasped, " Yah, you can't ignore me at all. What are you trying? " She scoffed, tugging him back in the bench with herself.

Soo Ho chuckled and shook his head,
" What's making you so happy? " Eun-Hee raised an eyebrow, " What's making you so dull? "

" Isn't Lim Ju Kyung acting weird? " Eun-Hee hummed, " I told you, it's because of Soo Jin. "

Soo Ho glanced at the girl who was now resting her head against his shoulder,
" Are you saying Soo Jin likes me? That's absurd. "

Eun-Hee rolled her eyes, " How is that absurd? I mean, you two have been friends for a good few years, I think it'd be easy for her to catch feelings. "

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