Chapter 38

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Episode 14


" Imju! " Eun-Hee stood up from her seat and pulled Ju Kyung in a tight hug. Ju Kyung mustered up the courage to come to school without her make up.

Eun-Hee honestly felt like a proud mother." I'm so proud of you! " She whispered, smiling softly at the girl.

" It's all because of you. " Eun-Hee rolled her eyes, " Go take your seat. Everything will be fine. " Eun-Hee whispered and settled in her seat.

She watched as Ju Kyung talked with others but Soo Ah seemed to only glare at Ju Kyung before running away. " Soo Ah-ya! "

Ju Kyung followed.

Eun-Hee sighed happily snd rested her head in her hands. " You won't kill anyone today, right? " Tae Hoon asked, smiling awkwardly.

Eun-Hee smirked, " Just one person. " She sighed and closed her eyes. The class, frightened of the thought itself, mingled in their own conversation.

" Yah, stop being a gangster and threatening others. " She heard and smirked, " Tae Hoon-ah! Someone wanted to avoid me today. Can you guess who? "

Seo-Jun's jaw dropped as he gaped at the brunette infront of him. He scoffed, dropping in his seat and glanced at her.

Eun-Hee was smirking to herself as she talked with Tae Hoon and Hyun Kyu.
Seo-Jun wasn't used to the lack of attention from the brunette.

He just couldn't keep himself from glancing at her. Two can play the game!
He thought, scoffing.

From the door, Soo Ho appeared, holding Ju Kyung's hand. The class cheered and whispered while Eun-Hee couldn't help but feel a tinge of sadness due to the expression on Han Seo-Jun's face.

" Someone's plan didn't go very well! " She said loudly, stretching her hands. Soo Jin, who was glaring at Soo Ho and Ju Kyung, now turned to face her with a scowl.

That only made Eun-Hee smirk.

Seo-Jun shook his head, trying not to chuckle. He loved it when Eun-Hee turns into a bad bitch. It was a whole new level of admiration he could feel.

Mr. Han arrived and called everyone for morning assembly. But Eun-Hee noticed he wasn't in his usual self. He was sad. " Let's go home, everyone. "

" The school has just started, Mr. Han! " Someone said and Mr. Han nodded,
" I know. "

He looked around and his eyes landed on Ju Kyung, but Eun-Hee could tell he didn't recognise her. " You're not supposed to be in our class, so please leave. "

Eun-Hee chuckled, " Mr. Han, that's Lim Ju Kyung. " Mr. Han nodded in the same daze, " I know- Lim Ju Kyung?! Ju Kyung is that you? "

" Yes. " Ju Kyung nodded and Eun-Hee widened her eyes as Mr. Han started crying. Ju Kyung too, gaped and turned to see Eun-Hee.

Eun-Hee passed her an Oh Well look and Ju Kyung giggled, facing the board.
" That's all for today! "

Mr. Han yelled and ran out of the classroom. Eun-Hee flinched at the sudden loud voice, " Aish, he could've been a little quite. "

Seo-Jun glanced at Eun-Hee, scowling. He took out his phone and smirked, sending a text to Cho Rong.

Ju Kyung reached Eun-Hee and grabbed her arm. " Let's go! " Eun-Hee frowned, " Wha- But where? Yah,
Imju! "

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