Chapter 24

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Episode 8


" When I said fight, I didn't mean an actual fist fight! " Eun-Hee said, exasperated as she applied some soothening cream over Seo-Jun's cheek.

She was glad Ju Kyung was tending over Soo Ho right now, or she'd have been conflicted who to move to, first. Seo-Jun rolled his eyes but said nothing.

She blowed a few times as she spreaded the cream and pushed his chin lower,
" If Wang Suck had heard about this, he'd make you squat in the middle of the field where you fought. "

She smiled lightly, causing Seo-Jun to chuckle. Eun-Hee moved on to his busted lip and grabbed a cotton ball, gently wiping off the dry blood.

Seo-Jun hissed at the stinging sensation and Eun-Hee winced, " Sorry, sorry.. I'll go slower. " She whispered, applying some lotion there too before blowing some air on it.

Seo-Jun had never noticed it, but Eun-Hee's grey eyes had a few black specks in it." What? " Eun-Hee asked, midway of blowing some more air on his lip.

" Nothing, " He whispered, " I just found out your eyes have black specks in them. "Eun-Hee could feel the heat rushing to her cheeks but she managed to she roll her eyes at his words.

" How could you not know that? " She took that as her cue to move away from the close proximity. Seo-Jun scoffed,
" Don't say as if you know my eye colour that clearly-"

" Dark brown. " She smiled, facing the boy and tilting her head to a side,
" Dark brown with honey hues. " She whispered as she stood up, dusting her hands.

She threw away the cotton balls away while Seo-Jun stared at her retreating back with a stupid grin and an awed look.

As the night dawned, everyone was gathered by the stage and bonfire. Eun-Hee wasn't very okay with it. It was cold outside and she wanted to sleep, but Ju Kyung had dragged her out.

Now she was sitting between Ju Kyung and Soo Ah while a girl group danced. Everyone was cheering and she couldn't help but smile at everyone's laughter.

She glanced at Han Seo-Jun, who was also clapping lowly. She rolled her eyes,
Such a buzzkill!

She thought.

Then came a boy group to show off their super strength by popping balloons. She found it hilarious like any other sitting there.

From her peripheral vision, she could see both Soo Ho and Seo-Jun taking glances at Eun-Hee here and there, and that didn't help her mood very much.

With everything in her will, she decided to try and enjoy the night when another girl group danced like old ladies this time. A laugh escaped her lips at Ju Kyung's excitement.

When the dance was over, the announcer appeared in front with the Mike, " I hear that Saebom High School has a celebrity. Apparently, one student used to be a Kpop-Idol Trianee. Where are you? "

Everyone motioned and pointed towards Seo-Jun, who was scowling and yelling at Cho Rong who must've given it away.

" Handsome and Charismatic! Let's bring him up here-"

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