Chapter 12

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Episode 5


To be honest, I was scared.

I wasn't stupid to just ignore this. It was nervousness, jealous, I got upset over it. I have known it very well even from before Se Yeon left us.

To watch him with Ju Kyung, hurt. I wanted to be angry, but I knew I had no right to. I still want to deny it. I can't have feelings for him, it's really strange to do so.

How was I so naive to not understand that before? Every time he got close, I got nervous. My heart beats faster and he made me want to just run away from the wierd butterflies in my chest.

Why him?

It was terrifying to even imagine how painful it'd be to watch him and Ju Kyung. What if he ignores me? What if- I hope he won't do that.

I didn't want to let go of him, not yet at least. So I held his hand, and told him not to leave when he got up.

" Don't leave, " I managed to whispered,
" Please. Just for now. " I squeezed his hand, trying to hide my face as I felt tears leave eyes and sink in the pillow.

I don't know it if was the physical pain or the fear of him leaving me right now. I just hoped he hadn't seen that one visible tear.

I let out a shaky sigh, my body acheing as I tried to move. I could sense him infront of me, if only I could see what his expression was right now.

" Just sleep, Eunnie. " He whispered softly, and I could feel him running his hand through my hair. Why was it so hard?

All those times, I thought, even though we didn't actually show we still cared, we fought, bickered but were right back to each other's side when needed.

I had hope we'd be back like before soon but I don't think so anymore. I wanted to live with that little hope I got on my birthday.

We were happy, smiling at each other like we used to, shared the same care and love like before but it was not very long lasting, yet it reminded me so much of us that I couldn't help but relive it.

Everything was so amazing before Se Yeon left, I miss him very much. If he was here, nothing would have happened. He was the glue of the group and he just left.

Everything fell apart after that.

I couldn't sleep. I wanted to enjoy this instead of wasting it on sleeping. I held his hand for as much as I could, and he let me. I was thankful for it.

After what felt like hours, his hand finally slipped out of my loose grip. The only hour I enjoyed of today came to an end. I'm glad he made sure I looked like I was alseep before standing up and leaving.

I didn't stop him this time. I just heard his footsteps fade and opened my eyes. The room was empty and the door was shut.

My throat tightened, " Stop crying. " I muttered to myself, but the stupid tears never listen to me.

Why does it hurt so much?

I shut my eyes tight, crying silently.

It was until I felt a hand on mine.
" Eun-Hee.. " Soo Ho was here. And I couldn't help but feel relief rush over me like a big wave.

I sat up, wiping my eyes as I looked away. " Sorry about that.. " I whispered, sniffling. Taking a deep breath, I bit my lip.

Soo Ho shifted and wrapped me in a hug. I let out a sigh, " Why is it so
hard? " I whispered, " How do you manage all of this? "

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