Chapter 26

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Episode 9


Eun-Hee blinked, " Wha-"

" Break is over, Eunnie~ Just pose. " He said, leaning closer as he placed his hand beside her on the couch, while the other still had her pressed against the couch.

Eun-Hee felt like she'd faint any moment, for she had so many reasons. First of them was, she was not breathing. Seo-Jun grabbed her arm and threw it around his neck, tugging her closer.

She could hear the slight clicks of camera in the background, but over it, was her heartbeat. She just wished he wouldn't be able to hear it.

Snapping out of the initial shock, she placed her other arm on his shoulder.
" Are these the poses you do with that model? "

She scrunched her face slightly and
Seo-Jun smirked wider, " You'd like to know that, don't you? " Eun-Hee rolled her eyes, " The only thing that's stopping me from punching you is the photoshoot, Han Seo-Jun. "

Seo-Jun ignored her comment, averting his gaze to her lips and he leaned right in. Eun-Hee's hand slightly trialed to his blazer, her hand curling into a loose fist as she got more nervous.

" A little more closer!! " She nearly jumped out of her skin at the loud voice, she had forgotten the photographer was there.

" How much more does he expect? "

She frowned, making a small eye contact with the boy, who shrugged ever so lightly. Rolling her eyes, Eun-Hee inched herself closer, only leaving as much as a centimeter.

" Now, that's professional! " Seo-Jun grinned and Eun-Hee glared at him,
" Just shut up. You don't actually want to step closer. "

She scoffed and Seo-Jun kept his eyes on her red lips, " I'm thinking about it. "
Eun-Hee nudged him, " Yah! " Her cheeks turning red.

" Stop talking, you two! And could you close your eyes? It looks so unnatural right now! " Seo-Jun's hand travelled to her hair on her cheek, causing Eun-Hee to involuntarily close her eyes.

Knowing his work is done, Seo-Jun closed his eyes too and leaned in, stopping just an inch away.

Eun-Hee felt like an eternity for one picture to click and she was waiting for the sound of click so she could move away for fuck's sake.

As much as she wished to stay in that moment for her whole life, she knew she needed to hold herself back.

It was so temtping. Just an inch and she'd meet with his lips, but she was glad she heard that click. Seo-Jun moved back, pulling the girl along with himself.

Eun-Hee nearly slammed herself in him, " Could you maybe try not to act like I'm a ragdoll? " She gave him a glare and that only amused Han Seo-Jun.

" Not my fault that you don't weigh a feather, Min Eun-Hee. " He teased, pulling her closer. Eun-Hee wrapped her arm around his neck, her fingers slightly curling into his soft silky hair.

" You're so annoying. " She sighed, although she couldn't break the eye contact she was holding. Seo-Jun hummed, " Now you know how it feels to be annoyed? "

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