Chapter 8

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Episode 4


" Ani! (No!). I don't want to go anywhere. "

Eun-Hee huffed, flopping on her bed and staring at the ceiling. Her father settled at the edge of the bed, " Are you still mad at your omma (mom) ? "

Eun-Hee sighed, " No, " She rolled over and sat up, " I'm just tired. " She huffed and Do Jin raised an eyebrow.
" You're bored on your birthday. That's nothing new. "

Eun-Hee bit the inside of her cheek,
" Abeoji ( father) , you know I don't celebrate my birthdays anymore. "

" Well, I think we should try something other than sulking in this dull room for once. How about we go out for dinner?
No devil lady. "

Eun-Hee grinned at the nickname, and it widened as she realised no involvement of her mother and nodded. " I guess that's a good idea. "

She chuckled, getting off the bed,
" Besides, its not like she'll make time for me like you do. I bet she's drowning in paperwork. "

Do Jin sighed, " It's alright, honey. Get ready!! " He called and left her room. Eun-Hee grabbed her phone to check time to see it was 4 in the evening.

She had spent her whole day crying and recalling her previous birthdays with Se Yeon, Seo-Jun and Soo Ho. She just couldn't bring herself to celebrate it after that.

She just hoped her father won't get any cake as she picked:

She just hoped her father won't get any cake as she picked:

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" I'm ready! "

" Good, let's go! " Eun-Hee got in the car, her phone clutched in her hand as they started driving down the street.

Many shops passed by and they finally stopped infront of a classy restaurant.
Eun-Hee got off and her father appeared beside her.

He bowed dramatically, giving her his arm. Eun-Hee laughed, wrappig her hand around his and the two entered. While they got to the private booth ( that Eun-Hee found out her father had already booked earlier that day), they waited for the waiter to come by.

" What would you like to eat? " Eun-Hee hummed, thinking what would lift her mood. " Tteokbokki with some pickle radish and Sundae? "

" Mhm... Good choice, " Do Jin smiled,
" No cake? You love sweet. " Eun-Hee smiled weakly, " I'll have sundae. "

" Alright, " He agreed and Eun-Hee tapped her feet anxiously. Her eyes widened slightly as she spotted Seo-Jun entering the restaurant.

" Ah! He's here. " Eun-Hee looked at her father, " What? " Do Jin smiled, " I invited him. Couldn't spend your birthday without your best friends, now could we? "

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