Chapter 11

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Episode 5


Eun-Hee walked beside Soo Ho, yawning.

" Did you not get enough sleep? " Soo Ho ruffled her hair and Eun-Hee groaned.

" No, " She said, correcting the hair he just ruined, " Mum was up half of the night shouting while I tried to sleep. "

" Why? " Soo Ho frowned, " Did she hit you again? " He examined her face and
Eun-Hee smiled, " No. She was angry I got home late. That's all. Then I locked myself in my room and made her a little more angry. "

Soo Ho chuckled, shaking his head.
" You're insufferable. " Eun-Hee jumped up the last step and noticed Soo Ho has stopped. She followed his gaze, finding Ju Kyung walking ahead of them.

She opened her mouth to call out for the girl but Seo-Jun appeared, tossing her the keys to his motorcycle. She frowned, " What's he doing now? "

" Here, take it. " Seo-Jun said, while
Ju Kyung glanced at the keys with cofusion. " What? "

" You told me to stop riding my
motorcycle, " Seo-Jun smiled, while people walking, whispered about them. " Starting from today, I'm only going to listen to you. "

He said, leaning down to Ju Kyung's face level, before turning on his heels and walking away. Eun-Hee blinked as Soo Ho raced towards Ju Kyung and stopped her from going.

Eun-Hee decided against joining the two and made her way towards the classroom, still wondering what Seo-Jun was playing at.

She sighed as she settled in her seat, taking out her things for the first period while her mind was stuck on the previous events.

Why am I feeling so miserable?

She scoffed to herself, checking if she had the pen right. " Take it back, " She heard Ju Kyung's voice and looked up, to find Seo-Jun standing beside Ju Kyung herself. " Why did you even give it to me? "

" For me not to ride my motorcycle, you'll have to keep the keys. Why? Because I'm only listening to you from now on. " He said and everyone gasped, whispering to each other.

" Is this your way of getting revenge? Because I blackmailed you with your photo on the motorcycle? " Ju Kyung asked, still utterly confused.

" As if I'd ever do that. " Seo-Jun said, taking out a drink and placing it in front of Ju Kyung, " I got it on the way. Enjoy. "

" No way!! " Someone gasped while the other giggled. Eun-Hee just sat there, frowning at her pen and the book.
I must be going crazy!

" I actually prefer strawberry! " Ju Kyung huffed while Seo-Jun settled beside Eun-Hee in his seat. The brunette brushed it off and went on with writing her essay which was not even announced yet.

" What's with the frown? " She hummed, " Just tired. " Soo Jin settled across her," Didn't get much sleep? "

" Ani! (No!). You know how mum is. She kept yelling and waking up the neighbors. What would do when I was in the same damn house? "

Soo Jin smirked, " What did you do? "
Eun-Hee rolled her eyes, " Ah, you enjoy that, don't you? I just got home late so.. "

" Did she hit you? " Soo Jin frowned, lifting up Eun-Hee's face to examine for any scar or cut. " No. Why does-"

" What am I looking at? " Eun-Hee faced Seo-Jun, " You two, acting all friendly? " Eun-Hee scoffed, " Aish, you're just late on the news, Han Seo-Jun. "

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