Chapter 21

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Episode 8


" Do you have everything? "

Eun-Hee hummed, " Yes, appa. Don't worry so much! " Eun-Hee smiled, dropping a selfie stick in the trolley bag before zipping it up.

" Do you have snacks? " Do Jin asked after a few moments of silence and Eun-Hee chuckled, " Mhm... I. Have. Everything. Besides, I leave in the morning so if I remember something before I go to sleep, I'll get it. "

She reassured and Do Jin finally stopped asking her questions. Eun-Hee glanced at her mother, who was sitting on the couch of her room.

She brushed it off and stood up, dusting her clothes and putting away the trolley bag. Now she only had to get a shoulder bag.

She decided to take an extra blanket just in case with a first aid kit. She could never be prepared if she didn't have a kit with herself.

Her phone charger and earphones were also dumped in the bag before it was zipped up and placed aside.

Sighing, she fell on her bed. Her phone rung and she smiled.

" Did you pack everything? " Ju Kyung asked and Eun-Hee hummed, " Just done. "

" Who is it?! " Min-Jee finally spared some of her attention to Eun-Hee, demanding for the phone.

" It better not be one of those boys-"

" It's not! " Eun-Hee whined, " It's Lim Ju Kyung! You don't know her. Imju, say hi to my mum! "

" Annyeonghaseyo ( hello!) auntie! "

" See, it's a girl. " Eun-Hee sighed and got up, heading towards the living room. Even though she didn't like leaving her mother alone in her room, she had to speak with Imju.

" Did you get a selfie stick? I have so I'd rather-"

" I've got one too! "

Eun-Hee smiled, " Okay, I'll see you tomorrow, then! Night! " Eun-Hee hung up and hurried to her room.

Luckily, her mother was out of it. She locked the door and fell on her bed, sighing. " You see quite bored. "

Eun-Hee yelped, " Han Seo-Jun! " Eun-Hee sat up and threw a pillow at his face. " At least give me a heads up everytime you climb in from there! "

She huffed and Seo-Jun jumped in, plopping on the bed beside her. " Did you pack everything? "

Eun-Hee hummed, " Did you come all the way here and climbed 3 stories up to ask me that? " She faced the boy, who was laying beside her too.

Seo-Jun rolled his eyes, " You just don't appreciate my concern. " He scoffed and Eun-Hee chuckled, her eyelids getting heavy.

" Yah, I'm talking and you're falling asleep! " Seo-Jun flicked her forehead and Eun-Hee groaned, opening her eyes to find Seo-Jun staring right into hers.

" I'm tired. " She whined and Seo-Jun sighed exasperated. " What did you do to get this tired? "

" Um.. Pack and listen to Ju Kyung
rant? " She said in a duh tone and Seo-Jun clicked his tongue. " Now that I think of it, you both seem close. "

Eun-Hee rolled her eyes, " Wow! That's such a discovery! " She poked his forehead and Seo-Jun slapped her arm away, " You can't live without sarcasm, can you?! "

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