Chapter 39

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Episode 14


Eun-Hee looked through the images of her phone, her face morphed into an expression no one would be able to understand.

She was conflicted as she passed each picture of her, Kang Soo Jin, Lim Ju Kyung and Choi Soo Ah. Although Eun-Hee didn't get to know Soo Jin very much, she had stupidly considered her one of her best friends in no time.

They changed from jumping on each other's throat to defending each other in time span of an hour and she would lie if she said she didn't miss her.

Kang Soo Jin wasn't like the way she was being right now. The Soo Jin that was known by Eun-Hee was different. She was cold yet caring. Not destructive and filled with hatred towards Ju Kyung.

It hurt her to see she had to fall apart like this with her. Even though it was Soo Jin's fault, Eun-Hee could also feel the pain she must've went through by watching Soo Ho and Ju Kyung together.

It was wierd of her to empathize with Soo Jin's feelings. She felt bad but she would never show. She would act like she didn't care anymore but deep down, she still did.

After all, Eun-Hee knew the value of friendship. And Soo Jin once used to be a true friend before jealousy rotted her.

She sighed, tossing the phone aside and staring at her ceiling. " Do I have to go school tomorrow? "

❃.✮:▹ ◃:✮.❃

" You did what? Are you crazy?! " Eun-Hee chuckled, touching Seo-Jun's shoulder. The boy groaned in pain.

Eun-Hee bit her lip and shook her head, bringing both her arms up to massage his sore shoulder. " How can you challenge him when you know he takes professional classes? "

She snickered, " Were you out of your mind? " Seo-Jun rolled his eyes, relaxing under the brunette's touch.
" I just went with the wave. I wanted to ask a favor if I won. "

Eun-Hee rolled her eyes, smiling.
" Mhm.. What would you ask anyway? Let me guess. A new helmet-"

" Lim Ju Kyung. " Seo-Jun said loudly and Eun-Hee's smile faltered, her mouth parting slightly. " Oh, " She whispered, " Well, you atleast gave your best, didn't you? "

She asked quitely, feeling her heart squeeze. " Of course, " Seo-Jun scoffed,
" I wouldn't give away the only chance I had, now. Would I? "

Eun-Hee hummed, clicking her tongue as she reached his neck. " You should start working out! " She huffed, nudging his back.

" Aish, it's already hurting! Stop! " He whined and Eun-Hee shook her head. The two spent the evening almost doing nothing.

Eun-Hee stayed quite most of the time, letting Seo-Jun complain about how he wished he had won.

" That jerk also made me sing in
public! " He cursed and Eun-Hee smirked, raising her phone. " Are you talking about this? "

Seo-Jun rolled his eyes, " Who put that on the internet? " He grumbled, " And he had the audacity to say my vocals are bad. " He scoffed and Eun-Hee smiled.

She'd find it a lie to be honest. Eun-Hee knew Soo Ho was just teasing Seo-Jun. It was how their friendship worked. It mostly consisted of teasing each other.

Seo-Jun's voice was everything to
Eun-Hee. She could recoginise it and feel the emotions through it even from miles away.

" He's just teasing you! You know it and still his words affect you. " She chuckled and Seo-Jun stared at the girl wierdly.

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