Chapter 43

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Episode 15


Eun-Hee sighed, content. She was still laying there, snuggled against Han

Such a small spoon!

She thought as he nuzzled his face in her neck from behind, groaning. Eun-Hee smiled to herself, " I don't want to be late. "

" I don't want to move. " He argued, his voice muffled. Eun-Hee was too sleepy to roll her eyes so she remained still.

" Han Seo-Jun. "

" Mhm.. "

" Get up. "

" Ani. (No). "

" We have practice! "

" I know! "

" Get up now or I'm giving Chen your number. "

Seo-Jun groaned, tightening his grip on her waist, " Why do I have to wake up hearing her name?! " He whined and Eun-Hee chuckled.

" Who's name do you prefer? " She rolled her eyes, facing the boy,
" Eunnie... " He grinned sleepily, " I'll take shower first. "

He sat up and ran towards the bathroom. " Yah, you had the spare room to yourself! " She whined but the door was already slammed shut.

She sighed and got up, grabbing the necessary things for shower and her clothes for the day before heading towards the spare room.

" I hate it that you have a car and I don't. " Eun-Hee smirked, " Just get in! " She settled in the driver's seat and pulled on her seat belt.

Seo-Jun sighed and got in the passenger's seat and Eun-Hee waited for him to put on the seat belt. When he didn't, she rolled her eyes and leaned over to pull it herself.

Seo-Jun sat there wide eyed as she casually started driving. He blinked and looked out of the window.

Ever since last night, he was bothered a little too much.

" Yah, Lim Ju Kyung! Just get on my back! " He exclaimed, grabbing the girl's arm.

Ju Kyung stumbled, " No! I'm not drunk! I can walk straight. " She said, stumbling to her right.

Seo-Jun sighed and pulled her up before she could hit the ground and threw her over his shoulder. " I feel sick when you pick me up like that! "

Ju Kyung whined but he ignored her yells and reached a more peaceful place.

" Sit here. And don't move. " He warned and Ju Kyung nodded, placing a finger on her lips.

He chuckled and went to grab some water. When he returned, thankfully the girl was still sitting there.

He sat beside her and gave her a bottle, pulling off the cap. " Have you snapped out of it yet? " He asked, as Ju Kyung grabbed the bottle and took a sip, " If you have, you wouldn't have acted that way. Grabbing a live octopus out of the tank! "

" My stomach still feels queasy from the way you carried me! " She cried and Seo-Jun patted her back, " Then just throw it all up! "

Ju Kyung shook her head, " No, that'd be a waste. I'm going to digest it all. It'll all go down once I sit for a while. You know how it is, I'm fine. " She said shakily and Seo-Jun rolled his eyes.

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