Chapter 31

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Episode 11


" What about Eun-Hee? Does she
know? " Han Seo-Jun asked his mother, who was walking towards the lift with Go Woon.

" Ah! She was here before you two woke up. She did the formalities actually. " Mi Hyang said, sighing.

" Why did she leave? Couldn't she wait till I woke up or something? "

He scowled and Go Woon rolled her eyes," Yah! She was here, wasn't she? That's all that counts. Technically, she came to the hospital with both of you. She was right behind the ambulance. The nurse told us. "

Seo-Jun sighed, wanting nothing but to call the girl. Why wasn't she here? He huffed and Mi Hyang smiled, " Why didn't you tell me you're dating her? Did you think I wouldn't approve? "

Han Seo-Jun scoffed, " I'm not dating her. Why would I date her? We're best friends. " Go Woon scowled and nudged him while Mi Hyang frowned, " Oh, guess the nurse was mistaken. "

Seo-Jun shook his head and the lift behind them opened, " I want to sleep! So go now! " He made the two leave and turned around, finding Lee Soo Ho's father leaving his private ward.

Shaking his head, he walked back inside and checked on Lee Soo Ho, although he wouldn't voice it, he was worried sick as soon as he came to consciousness.

He grabbed his phone from the night stand and went through the contacts, finding Eun-Hee's quickly and rang her. The phone rang for a few seconds before it connected.

" Hello? "

Her voice was groggy, as if she had been sleeping. He frowned, " Where are you? "

" Um.. Home. "

" Couldn't you wait till I woke up? " He huffed, glancing at Lee Soo Ho, who was still asleep. " Hm.. "

Seo-Jun could tell she was falling asleep again. He rolled his eyes, " Come over. "

" What?! Yah, I'm sleeping. "

" Yah, could you atleast pretend to care a little? I just got into an accident. " He pouted and heard a scoff, " And who's fault is that?! Pay for it! "

Now Han Seo-Jun had realised Eun-Hee was furious with both him and Lee Soo Ho, so in return, she wouldn't come and visit them, not even once.

" I don't think it's time to get mad! " He whined and heard a tired sigh, " I don't want to see either of you! You can go jumping around in the middle of
streets! "

He rolled his eyes, laying down while the phone was pressed against his ear.
Soo Ho had gotten up and left to get some air while Seo-Jun tried to convince Eun-Hee to come by.

" How come you don't want to see your boyfriend? " Seo-Jun said and Eun-Hee scoffed, " Yah, I only said that because I wasn't family or guardian, and she wouldn't let me sign the forms. And second of all, why would you think of yourself? I might've meant Lee Soo Ho. "

Seo-Jun cringed in embarrassment,
" Lee Soo Ho already has a girlfriend! " Eun-Hee snorted, " The nurse didn't know that. "

He rolled his eyes and stared at the contact picture, " Yah, just come by. I'm bored! "

" Say the magic word. I'll think about
it. "

Seo-Jun chuckled, shaking his head,
" Please, Eunnie? "

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