Chapter 41

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Episode 14


Eun-Hee stared at the ceiling, wide awake even when the day passed and night arrived once again.

She sighed, knowing he won't reply or call back. She had tried enough times now that her hope was crumbling.

She couldn't understand. What did he have against Eum Ha Joon, anyway to get this mad that he'd ignore her for a day straight? She huffed, turning in her right side.

Her stomach rumbled and she sat up tiredly, heading towards the kitchen. She grabbed the leftover pizza and heated it in the oven.

" You always ruin it. " She scolded herself weakly, " Why did you have to yell his name?! You could've said anyone! Maybe even Cho Rong or Tae Hoon! "

Eun-Hee angrily took a bite and checked her phone once again. The messages were seen but he didn't reply.

She sighed and dropped the phone on the table, heading towards the couch. She just needed to sleep and wish it was a bad dream.

It was funny how Eun-Hee felt like she was going through a break up. She laughed to herself, turning in the A.C before covering herself in warm blankets.

After eating, she layed down ans closed her eyes, " Just for a few minutes. "


Her phone rang once again, and Eun-Hee groaned for being disturbed from her peaceful slumber.

She groggily pushed herself off of the couch and walked over to the kitchen isle, grabbing her phone. Her sleepiness flew out of the window at the contact name.

She quickly slid the answer button,
" Han Seo-Jun! You finally-"

" Come to the airport in an hour. "

And the line went dead. Eun-Hee gaped at the phone. " Airport?! The fuck is he on about?! " She widened her eyes, multiple lame reasons flying over her head.

She got a text from Soo Ho thankfully, in details. Apparently, Soo Ho's father was sick and he needed to leave immediately.

Eun-Hee took a quick shower and put on some warm clothes. Brushing her hair, she grabbed a beanie and pulled it over her head before grabbing her phone and purse.

She ran out and rushed into a cab,
" Airport please. " She said hurriedly and the driver rode off. She was nervous for multiple reasons.

She had to see Han Seo-Jun, then Soo Ho was leaving and Ju Kyung was going to be there. What was she going to do?

In fifteen minutes, she reached and entered, finding Soo Ho's familiar tall frame standing by the entrance of the lanes.

" Eun-Hee! " Soo Ho said, trying to smile. Eun-Hee was quick to pull the boy in a hug, " He'll be fine, alright? Don't stress yourself much. "

She whispered and Soo Ho hummed,
" Take care of yourself those two for me. " He smiled and Eun-Hee nodded.

" Be safe. " She stepped back, knowing Ju Kyung would break down if she didn't get to say goodbye. Eun-Hee didn't have the courage to turn and glance at Seo-Jun who was standing just a few steps away.

She was still confused.

She was supposed to get mad too, right? Why wouldn't he just let her like whoever she wanted?

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