Chapter 13

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Episode 5


Eun-Hee got up due to her phone ringing. She groaned, rolling over and grabbed it from her nightstand.

Swiping to answer the call, she pressed it against her ear, " Who's interrupting my peaceful sleep this morning? "

She mumbled, rubbing her eyes.
" Eun-Hee, " She jerked up, covering her mouth, " Oh, er... I'm sorry, Mr. Han. Is there anything I can do to help you? "

" Yes, and don't worry about it. I'd be the same. Anyway, would you like to come to school early and check everything? "

" Yes, I'll do that. I'll be there in an
hour. " She quickly hung up, facepalming. " Ugh! Why did I say
that? "

She got off the bed and jumped in the shower after brushing her teeth and picked out an outfit to wear.

She pulled her hair into a low ponytail and tucked a few strands to frame her face

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She pulled her hair into a low ponytail and tucked a few strands to frame her face. Applying some chapstick, she grabbed her bag and emptied all the books.

Filling it with her phone, water bottle and some snacks and an extra jacket, she rushed downstairs.

" Appa, Omma? " She called but no one answered. Sighing, she locked the door and headed towards the bus stop.

The festival didn't start until 12 and she was already heading there at 9. While she got off, she spotted a few students but she just didn't talk to them headed straight to the entrance of the school.

There were emtpy stalls, colourful banners and many different games. She smiled, looking around. " Oh, Ming Chen? " She called, reaching beside the boy.

" Hi, Min Eun-Hee. " Eun-Hee smiled,
" Are you checking these already? I was so embarrassed Mr. Han called me. I mean, I should've checked the caller ID but I literally asked who was interrupting my peaceful sleep. "

She laughed, tugging at a banner while the boy stared at her. " What? " She noticed and Ming Chen flushed.
" Nothing. "

The banner sudden fell down and Eun-Hee sighed, " Way to go. " She climbed the ladder and hung it tightly around the edges.

" I think we have a lot to collect. " She mumbled, getting down and Ming Chen nodded. " Let's go! "

Ming Chen, like Eun-Hee was the event organiser so normally, both knew each other very well.

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