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Just about to finish the project and design for my next mission. Being a mafia is so hard and that too the greatest one? (Not bragging)
"Oh, look my work is done" I said to myself. Im so tired and for the next 30 mins I have nothing to do. Hmm...Let me tell you my life story and on how I became the greatest mafia or in simpler words, THE KIM JISOO.

A/N : None of the photos in this story are owned by me. Copyright to the rightful owners 😆.


(In America)
I was 17 years old, My dad was playing with me. He knew just what I loved and what made me happy, that's why I loved him with all my heart!

Suddenly my mom bursted into the room and said "They are here and we are not giving them the money."
"Are you sure darling? It's dangerous not to."  Dad said.
"I am 100% sure, they don't deserve it, they won't get it." Mom said.

"Dad, what is wrong? " I asked filled with worry.
"Just go hide under your bed and remember don't call the police, they will kill you." he replied.
"And one more thing, don't YOU DARE make a noice."

He never talked to me like this so I felt my anxiety attack coming
"NOT NOW JISOO" I said to myself
"But Dad" I said when I was cut of by him and he said "Just go."

I ran towards my room. My mom and dad had specially designed a drawer which opened on my bed, it was like a secret drawer. Length and breadth wise, it was perfectly of my size therefore I fit in it.

Suddenly, I remembered my dad's words when he made this "It's for you Jisoo, remember that." He knew this was going to happen. Not wasting much time, I hid in the drawer. How did it open? It was operated by a remote. I heard the main door open. It's started.

"Where is our money? " the deep voiced person said
"What do you mean money, we never asked any from you. Why do you want it back? All you are gonna get is OUR money you beast" Dad said

"You know why. Just shut you mouth and give it to us. And continue calling me beast, I like it." he said
"We won't" My mom said
"Give or......die" the persons voice said.

I started tearing up. I was almost about to something when I remembered Appa said "And one more thing don't make a noice"
"Give them the freaking money" I thought in my mind.
"10 seconds,and boom. Just give me the 200,000 dollars and don't die" the mans voice said

"Tick tick 10 tick tick 9 tick tick 8 tick tick 7 tick tick 5 tick tick 4 tick tick 3 tick tick 2 tick tick 1 and tick tick 0" *bam-bam*

After hearing the 2 gunshots, I hit the side of the drawer by mistake. I felt the footsteps coming closer to me. My heart skipped a beat infact not one, it skipped two.

That is when someone called the man to run as quick as they could because they just murdered my parents and the police would come in soon. I came out of the drawer and it is a long story so let's just skip this part.

After this incident happened, I went back to Korea, I lived with my uncle and aunt and they took good care of me until one day when they ran away with atleast half of the money my parents left for me. Can't believe what money can do to people.

I was 18 that time and had my own bank account so it wasn't too bad but the betrayal hurt more the the loss of money. That is when I lost trust over anyone and anyone included EVERYONE.

*End of flashback*

It has been five years to that incident and I still don't know why my parents did not give them the money. We were one of the richest families from all around the world and came in magazines every alternate day.

And those 200,000 dollars are still there in my mind. The one my parents could not give. Which is why I'm earning all this money, to give me relief.

To be continued......
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*Word Count : 761*
Sorry, but the chapters are a bit short, but yk shorter chapters = more interest in reading hehe.
Have a beautiful day yall 🌸

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