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Jennie P.O.V

I heard Jisoo Unnie as she said "You made a mistake and it is too late" and bashed in the door and boom . He got shot. Pfft, that was easier than I thought. Now we had to get rid of the body guards so we fought until the calcium of our bones was literally separated from the compact tissue.

Jisoo P.O.V

We were fighting when one of the body guards came from my back but I got the feeling so I kicked him and he bashed through the door and hit the wall. While I was looking towards my south a body guard came from my north and was trying to injure me with a sharp belt he had when I held his belt with my hand and could not move a bit since I had been controlling another body guard with my other hand.

That is when another body guard came with a gun in his hand. He hit a gunshot on the ceiling to scare me but he thought I was a little lamb while I was the daughter of a lioness. After that, he cut a deep cut on my face. I suddenly remembered the two gunshots my Dad and my mom died with and I took the gun from the guy who gave me the scar and shot all three of them with it.

I was hurt since I held the spiky belt but I cared more about the fact that Jennie was still fighting outside.

Jennie P.O.V  

I was fighting and came ahead was a triple attack. I could not fight them. They were way to strong. That is when Jisoo unnie came a killed them one by one with the gun. We took the suitcase and ran as fast as we could.

A/N : Please do not mind me changing the pov's again and again and also the hall of death is not a real place in Korea but I have just used it for my book... continue please!

Jisoo P.O.V

We had a rule that every time we finished a mission, we would have a 2 day break. And in those two days we could do anything we want. We all (Jennie, Jisoo, Rosè and Lisa) planned a get together and planned to go to the Hall of death. This was one of the scariest place in Korea.

But we knew that we would not be scared a bit. There was a bet, whoever did not flinch a bit would get 70,000 won from each member. Not really big since it was a just a friendly bet but we weren't here for money, we were her to have fun. (Girls just wanna have fun!)

I knew, just knew I would win. We were walking through and it was a dark black room with a red carpet that was glow in the dark so we could see stuff. And every time there was a jump scare there was a little light that used to give you a chill through your spines.

It was said that at the end there is something that would scare you so much that you would not be able to sleep through the rest of you life but nothing like that happened. It was a just a corpse that would fall on you from above with a lot of fake blood but I did not get scared, not even flinch whereas the other kids  you see :

Jennie said "Oh my lord,oh oh god oh hell aaaaaaaa"
Rosè said "Oh my noooooooo aaaaaa"
Lisa said "Haha that was not scary" but as soon as the corpse fell "Oh Jesus"
*they all screamed on the top of their voices*

I said "The actual hell? This shit isn't even that scary I mean it just spoiled my clothes,ugh!"

Whatever -

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*Word Count : 654*
To be continued....
Lots of love ❤️
Bubbles !!

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